PDGF gene expression and p53 alterations contribute to the biology of diffuse astrocytic gliomas

PDGF pathway enrichment and high expression of PDGFA were observed in IDH WT LGAs

To explore putative mechanisms underlying the differences in behavior of IDH WT and mutant LGAs, we performed differential expression analysis (DEA) on all LGAs from a filtered TCGA dataset (n = 347) stratified by IDH1/2-mutation status. In this analysis we found 2,175 overexpressed and 517 downregulated genes in IDH WT LGAs (n = 94) versus IDH mutant cases (n = 250; adjusted P value = 0.001, log2(fold change) = 1; Fig. 1a). To assess the functional significance of differentially expressed genes, we performed canonical Reactome pathway analysis: enriched pathways in IDH WT tumors included ECM deregulation (adjusted P = 2.3 * 10−7), collagen biosynthesis (adjusted P = 7.6 * 10−7), and PDGF signaling (adjusted P = 6.3 * 10−4) (Fig. 1b). Enrichment of ECM pathways8 and prominence of the PDGF pathway were of interest because of the invasive nature of LGAs and because overexpression of PDGFA has been implicated in the pathogenesis IDH WT GBM9 and exposure to PDGFA is able to transform p53 null neural progenitor cells10.

Fig. 1: PDGFA and PDGFD expression are dysregulated in IDH WT LGAs.figure 1

a Volcano plot showing fold changes for genes differentially expressed between IDH WT and IDH mutant LGAs. PDGF pathway members are enriched in the overexpressed genes (maroon dots). Positive Log2(FC) indicates upregulation in IDH WT LGAs. b Reactome pathway analysis of genes overexpressed in IDH WT LGAs reveals the enrichment of ECM-associated genes and the PDGF signaling pathway. c Unbiased tSNE visualization with gene expression values of PDGF pathway genes separates LGAs by IDH mutation status. PDGFA and PDGFD gene expression are significantly elevated in IDH WT LGAs, relative to IDH mutant LGAs. d, e Scatterplots showing the negative correlation of promoter methylation with PDGFA and PDGFD expression in LGAs. Spearman’s Rho values are reported as a measure of effect size from the Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation test. f, g Box plots showing that promoter methylation of PDGFA and PDGFD are elevated in IDH mutant relative to WT LGAs. h Multivariate linear model showing the independent association of PDGFA expression with PDGFA promoter methylation and copy number of the segment containing PDGFA on chromosome 7. OR Odds Ratio. (***P < 0.001); in Box plots, the lower bound, center line and upper bound correspond to the first, second and third quartiles, respectively, and whiskers correspond to the maximum and minimum data values.

The most differentially expressed gene in the PDGF family11 was PDGFA (Fig. 1a, b). PDGFA (adjusted P = 2.7 * −110, log2(fold change) = 2.33), like PDGFD (adjusted P = 8.3 * 10−26, log2(fold change) = 1.86), was significantly upregulated in IDH WT LGAs compared to mutant LGAs (Fig. 1a, d), where in contrast to the PDGFA/PDGFD ligands, the receptor PDGFRA12 was overexpressed (Fig. 1a). Other members of the PDGF pathway such as PDGFB, PDGFC and PDGFRB were not differentially expressed in IDH WT versus mutant LGAs.

We then explored mechanisms underlying the differential expression of PDGFA and PDGFD in LGAs. Aware that hypermethylation is a feature of IDH mutant tumors13, we asked whether promoter methylation was associated with PDGFA/PDGFD expression and documented a strong negative correlation between expression and methylation of both genes across all LGAs (PDGFA: P < 2.2 * 10−16, Spearman’s Rho = −0.68, n = 347, Fig. 1d) (PDGFD: P < 2.2 * 10−16, Spearman’s Rho = −0.51, n = 347, Fig. 1e). Significantly lower amounts of PDGFA (Fig. 1f) and PDGFD (Fig. 1g) promoter methylation was observed in IDH WT LGAs (n = 94) compared to mutant cases (n = 250) (univariate comparisons for both genes: P = 2.2 * 10−16). The negative correlation between expression and promoter methylation persisted when IDH WT and mutant LGAs were analyzed separately (Supplementary Fig. 1a–d), indicating that promoter methylation may be an important regulatory mechanism of PDGFA/PDGFD expression in both LGA subtypes.

Next, we investigated the correlation between gene expression and copy number to assess whether chromosome 7 (containing the PDGFA locus) and 11 (containing the PDGFD locus) gains were associated with differential expression of these genes. As previously reported14, we found that a significantly higher proportion of WT LGAs displayed amplification of the portion of chromosome 7 containing PDGFA (hg19: Chr 7: 536897 base pairs (bp) to 559481 bp) than mutant LGAs (P = 2.2 * 10−16, n = 343, Supplementary Fig. S2a. In contrast to PDGFA, segmental amplification of PDGFD (hg19: Chr 11: 103777914 bp to 104035027 bp) was not a feature of WT LGAs. Fifty-six percent of WT tumors had PDGFA amplification (Supplementary Fig. S2a) but only 1% displayed PDGFD amplification (Supplementary Fig. S3A). Indeed, for PDGFD, the frequency of amplification was higher in mutant tumors (P = 0.036, n = 345, Supplementary Fig. S2b), although the percentage of mutant tumors with amplification of PDGFD was relatively low at 7% (Supplementary Fig. S2b).

Furthermore, the absolute copy number of the PDGFA-containing segment on chromosome 7 significantly correlated with PDGFA expression in IDH WT LGAs (P = 0.0022, Spearman’s Rho = +0.31, n = 93, Supplementary Fig. S2c), but not in mutant cases (P = 0.97, Spearman’s Rho = +0.00, n = 247, Supplementary Fig. S2d). In a multivariate linear regression model, both PDGFA promoter methylation (P < 2.2 * 10−16, t-value = −17.804) and the copy number of the PDGFA-containing segment (P = 0.0062, t-value = 2.755) were significantly associated with its expression in all LGAs (n = 347) (Fig. 1h). These results reveal a previously unrecognized mechanism by which PDGF signaling can be regulated in LGAs. In IDH WT LGAs, absence of promoter methylation of PDGFA and PDGFD and amplification of chromosome 7 contribute to higher gene expression, whereas in IDH mutant LGAs, hypermethylation of the PDGFA and PDGFD promoters and absence of chromosome 7 amplification are significantly associated with the decreased expression of PDGFA and PDGFD.

Gene expression and promoter methylation of PDGFA and PDGFD, and amplification of PDGFA, were significantly associated with prognosis among LGA patients

Cox proportional hazards (PH) analysis was performed, and Kaplan–Meier (KM) curves were generated to assess whether gene expression and/or promoter methylation of PDGFA and PDGFD were prognostic factors in LGAs. Higher PDGFA expression was associated with significantly worse overall survival (OS) (P = 8 * 10−13, HR = 1.67, 95% C.I. [1.45, 1.93], n = 347, disease specific survival (DSS) (P = 2.8 * 10−12, HR = 1.69, 95% C.I. [1.46, 1.95], n = 347, and progression-free interval (PFI) (P = 8.9 * 10−14, HR = 1.00, 95% C.I. [1.00, 1.00], n = 347, (Fig. 2a–c). These results were confirmed in two additional datasets: REpository for Molecular BRAin Neoplasia DaTa (REMBRANDT)15 (P = 5.9 * 10−6, HR = 2.22, 95% C.I. [1.57, 3.14], n = 109 (Fig. 2d) and GSE1601116 (P = 0.0031, HR = 1.67, 95% C.I. [1.19, 2.35], n = 32 (Fig. 2e), suggesting that PDGFA expression is a prognostic biomarker in LGA. Similar prognostic associations were observed for PDGFD expression (Supplementary Fig. S3a–e). Lower PDGFA and PDGFD promoter methylation (Supplementary Fig. S4a–f) and amplification of the chromosome segment containing PDGFA (Fig. 2f–h) were also associated with shorter OS, DSS, and PFI. These data suggest that mechanisms regulating the expression of PDGFA and PDGFD affect the clinical outcomes and biology of patients with LGAs.

Fig. 2: PDGFA expression and amplification status are associated with worse prognosis in LGAs.figure 2

a–c KM survival curves for OS, DSS and PFI showing the separation of TCGA LGA patients into high-risk groups based on PDGFA expression. d, e KM survival curves validating the association between PDGFA expression of the tumor and overall survival of the patient in LGA samples from the REMBRANDT and GSE16011 datasets. f–h KM survival curves for OS, DSS and PFI showing the separation of TCGA LGA patients into risk groups based on whether the chromosomal segment containing the PDGFA locus is amplified or not. Hazard ratios (HR) and their respective 95% confidence intervals from univariate Cox proportional hazards analysis of the dichotomized expression groups are shown for each KM curve. (***P < 0.001).

PDGFA and PDGFD gene expression and IDH WT status were associated with aneuploidy and markers of immuno-suppression

Given the worse prognosis of IDH WT LGAs patients that overexpress PDGFA, we assessed additional biological features of these tumors that might explain their propensity for more aggressive behavior. Having recently reported that in vitro exposure to PDGFA leads to chromosomal instability in neural progenitor cells10, we assessed aneuploidy in LGAs in relation to IDH mutational status and PDGFA expression. We observed that IDH WT LGAs were significantly more aneuploid than their IDH mutant counterparts (P = 2.2 * 10−16, n = 341, Fig. 3a). We further observed that aneuploidy was a distinguishing feature of LGAs that expressed high levels of PDGFA and PDGFD. Aneuploidy score (AS)17 was significantly associated with expression of PDGFA (P = 6.8 * 10−13, Spearman’s Rho = +0.38, n = 338) and PDGFD (P = 6.9 * 10−12, Spearman’s Rho = +0.36, n = 338) in univariate analysis (Fig. 3b, c, respectively). Furthermore, univariate Cox PH analyses revealed that higher AS was associated with worse OS (P = 1.1 * 10−11, HR = 1.76, 95% C.I. [1.50, 2.07], n = 341, DSS (P = 2.7 * 10−11, HR = 1.78, 95% C.I. [1.50, 2.10], n = 334, and PFI (P = 1.2 * 10−9, HR = 1.50, 95% C.I. [1.32, 1.71], n = 341) (Supplementary Fig. S5a–c). In multivariate Cox PH analysis, both AS (P = 9.5 * 10−5, HR = 1.42, 95% C.I. [1.19, 1.70]) and IDH status (P = 3.2 * 10−10, HR = 4.20, 95% C.I. [2.69, 6.57]) remained independent predictors of overall survival in LGAs (n = 347, Fig. 3d). These analyses indicate that the presence of aneuploidy has prognostic value independent of IDH status in LGAs, and that aneuploidy is associated with high expression of the PDGFA and PDGFD genes.

Fig. 3: PDGFA and PDGFD expression are associated with markers of immuno-suppression in LGA patients.figure 3

a Box plots depicting the quantification of aneuploidy scores (AS) in IDH WT and mutant LGAs. b, c Scatterplots showing the correlations between AS and expression of PDGFA and PDGFD, respectively; Spearman’s Rho values are reported as a measure of effect size from the Spearman’s Rank-Order Correlation test. d Forest plot derived from a multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model for OS using IDH mutation status and Log2(AS + 1) as covariates. Hazard Ratio (HR) and the respective 95% C.I. are shown above the points; a HR > 1 indicates that IDH WT status and high AS are associated with worse OS. e–h Box plots comparing the distributions of ssGSEA scores for C-ECM upregulated genes, TGF-β upregulated target genes, PDCD1 (PD-1) expression, and CD274 (PD-L1) expression, respectively, between IDH WT and mutant LGAs. (***P < 0.001). In Box plots, the lower bound, center line and upper bound correspond to the first, second and third quartiles, respectively, and whiskers correspond to the maximum and minimum data values.

We then explored the potential of LGAs for immune evasion, a hallmark of poor prognosis across cancers18,19. As observed in our pathway enrichment analysis, ECM genes were upregulated in IDH WT LGAs (Fig. 1b). This is an intriguing observation given that we have previously reported that ECM dysregulation is an effector of TGF-β-induced immuno-suppression in the tumor microenvironment20. To explore this result further, we investigated immune suppression in LGAs with respect to their IDH mutational status and documented that WT LGAs had significantly higher expression of cancer-associated ECM (C-ECM) genes (P = 2.2 * 10−16, n = 344, Fig. 3e) and TGF-β upregulated target genes (P = 2.2 * 10−16, n = 344, Fig. 3f). Furthermore, in all LGAs (n = 347), the expression of PDGFA and PDGFD were positively correlated with both features (Supplementary Fig. S6a–d). The expression of immunosuppressive checkpoint genes such as PDCD1 (encodes PD-1) (P = 2.3 * 10−11) and CD274 (encodes PD-L1) (P = 1.1 * 10−9) were also increased in IDH WT LGAs (Fig. 3g, h, n = 344), suggesting that WT tumors may be able to suppress the local immune response to enhance their aggressiveness.

Sustained overexpression of PDGFA and progressive inactivation of the p53 pathway characterized the evolution of IDH WT LGAs

To further explore the more aggressive behavior of IDH WT LGAs and to better understand how they evolve to higher grades, we evaluated the expression of PDGFA and PDGFD genes in WHO grade II, and grade III tumors and in GBMs. We found that a high level of expression of PDGFA and PDGFD was a constant feature of the IDH WT disease, irrespective of histological grade (n = 219, Fig. 4a, b). These observations reveal that overexpression of PDGFA is an early feature of IDH WT LGAs that persists as grade 2 tumors evolve to grade 3 lesions and on to GBM.

Fig. 4: The evolution of PDGFA/PDGFD overexpressing IDH WT LGAs to higher-grade disease is accompanied by a progressive increase in p53 pathway mutations.figure 4

a, b Box plots depicting the quantification of PDGFA and PDGFD expression by grade in IDH WT astrocytic gliomas. c, d Bar plots showing the proportion of IDH WT astrocytic gliomas harboring alterations by grade in the TP53 gene and any of the following genes: MDM2, MDM4, or CDKN2A. e Gene set enrichment analysis plot, enrichment score (ES) and family-wise error rate (FWER) p value showing the depletion of a p53 target gene set in MDM2/MDM4/CDKN2A altered IDH WT LGAs. f Box plots depicting the quantification of PDGFA expression in MDM2/MDM4/CDKN2A altered versus unaltered among IDH WT LGAs. (***P < 0.001). In Box plots, the lower bound, center line and upper bound correspond to the first, second and third quartiles, respectively, and whiskers correspond to the maximum and minimum data values.

We then assessed the mutational status of the p53 pathway, because loss or inactivation of TP53 has been hypothesized to cooperate with PDGF signaling to promote IDH WT GBM9, and because TP53 compromise (i.e., null or heterozygous) is a prerequisite for PDGFA-mediated in vitro transformation of neural progenitor cells10. First, we assessed single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in TP53. Unlike IDH mutant LGAs, which had a high proportion of TP53 SNVs (Supplementary Fig. S7a) in tumors of all WHO grades (P = 0.75, n = 231), SNVs were not found in grade II WT LGAs and were only detected in some grade 3 tumors and GBMs (P = 0.0078, n = 354, Fig. 4c). Since alterations of the p53 pathway can occur in ways other than point-mutation, we assessed copy number variants (CNVs) of CDKN2A, which encodes the positive regulator of p53, p14ARF, and variants of the negative regulators of p53, MDM2 and MDM421. We noted a progressive increase in the frequency of CDKN2A and MDM2/MDM4 alterations with increasing grade in WT tumors (P = 5.3 * 10−5, n = 354, Fig. 4d). Moreover, pathway disruption accompanied progression to GBM from a lower grade WT tumor in virtually all cases (P = 5.4 * 10−11, n = 354; Supplementary Fig. S7b).

Lastly, we sought confirmation that deletion of CDKN2A and amplification of MDM2 or MDM4 deregulated the p53 pathway in IDH WT LGAs. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) identified a negative association between a specified list of TP53 target genes and an alteration of CDKN2A/MDM2/MDM4 in IDH WT LGAs (Fig. 4e). IDH WT tumors with alterations in CDKN2A/MDM2/MDM4 cluster had elevated expression of PDGFA versus LGAs in which at least one of CDKN2A, MDM2, or MDM4 was unaltered (P = 0.00017, n = 222, Fig. 4f). These data imply that a determinant of the progression of WT grade 2 LGAs, to grade 3 LGAs, and beyond to GBMs, may be inactivation of the p53 pathway by one of several mechanisms.

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