Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 13, Pages 15: “Don’t Stop the Music,” Please: The Relationship between Music Use at Work, Satisfaction, and Performance

Figure 1. Model (ML estimation; standardized path coefficients; N = 235) controlling for age and gender (1 = Male). Non-significant relationships were not reported in the figure. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01. *** p < 0.001 for all factor loadings.

Behavsci 13 00015 g001

Table 1. Demographic and professional characteristics of the sample.

Table 1. Demographic and professional characteristics of the sample.

VariableCategoriesPercentage/MeanProfessional sectorIndustry/Construction18.6%Services (customer interaction)34.6%Services (office)26.4%Education and training8.2%Arts and entertainment5.2%Health care6.9%Type of sectorPublic19.2%Private80.8%Type of contractPermanent contract47.7%Temporary contract17.0%Apprenticeship/Training10.6%Freelancing22.1%Other type of contract2.6%Professional statusExecutive4.2%Upper manager3.3%Middle manager4.2%White collar worker47.9%Blue collar worker12.9%Not applicable27.5%Work regimeFull-time75.7%Part-time13.8%Not applicable10.5%Seniority M = 9.52; DS = 10.34Weekly workdaysIn presenceM = 4.06; DS = 1.97RemoteM = 1.45; DS = 1.99

Table 2. Means, standard deviations, correlation, and reliability coefficients.

Table 2. Means, standard deviations, correlation, and reliability coefficients.

MDS12345671. Age36.1311.91 2. Gender (1 = Men) 0.121 3. Emotional use3.580.91−0.23 **−0.090.72 4. Cognitive use2.470.89−0.070.25 **0.38 **0.74 5. Background use3.340.91−0.30 **−0.17 *0.60 **0.32 **0.72 6. Satisfaction3.430.96−0.13 *0.010.26 **0.18 **0.030.87 7. Performance3.790.84−0.07−0.010.31 **0.14 *0.100.51 **0.88

Table 3. Fit indices of the three models tested.

Table 3. Fit indices of the three models tested.

χ2dfpCFITLIRMSEASRMR429.106233<0.0010.900.890.06 (CI: 0.05, 0.07)0.07

Table 4. Indirect effects of the model.

Table 4. Indirect effects of the model.

Indirect EffectEst.S.E.pEmotional Use -> Job Satisfaction -> Performance0.230.08<0.001Cognitive Use -> Job Satisfaction -> Performance0.080.05nsBackground Use -> Job Satisfaction -> Performance−0.240.08<0.01

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