Arrhythmias Other Than Atrial Fibrillation in Those With an Irregular Pulse Detected With a Smartwatch: Findings From the Apple Heart Study


The Apple watch irregular pulse detection algorithm was found to have a positive predictive value of 0.84 for identification of atrial fibrillation (AF). We sought to describe the prevalence of arrhythmias other than AF in those with an irregular pulse detected on a smartwatch.


The Apple Heart Study investigated a smartwatch-based irregular pulse notification algorithm to identify AF. For this secondary analysis, we analyzed participants who received an ambulatory ECG patch after index irregular pulse notification. We excluded participants with AF identified on ECG patch and described the prevalence of other arrhythmias on the remaining participant ECG patches. We also reported the proportion of participants self-reporting subsequent AF diagnosis.


Among 419 297 participants enrolled in the Apple Heart Study, 450 participant ECG patches were analyzed, with no AF on 297 ECG patches (66%). Non-AF arrhythmias (excluding supraventricular tachycardias <30 beats and pauses <3 seconds) were detected in 119 participants (40.1%) with ECG patches without AF. The most common arrhythmias were frequent PACs (burden ≥1% to <5%, 15.8%; ≥5% to <15%, 8.8%), atrial tachycardia (≥30 beats, 5.4%), frequent PVCs (burden ≥1% to <5%, 6.1%; ≥5% to <15%, 2.7%), and nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (4–7 beats, 6.4%; ≥8 beats, 3.7%). Of 249 participants with no AF detected on ECG patch and patient-reported data available, 76 participants (30.5%) reported subsequent AF diagnosis.


In participants with an irregular pulse notification on the Apple Watch and no AF observed on ECG patch, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, mostly PACs and PVCs, were detected in 40% of participants. Defining optimal care for patients with detection of incidental arrhythmias other than AF is important as AF detection is further investigated, implemented, and refined.

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