AI-enabled pipeline for virus detection, validation, and SNP discovery from next-generation sequencing data

1 Introduction

Viruses pose significant threats to human health, agriculture, and the environment, causing a wide range of infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. Rapid and accurate detection of viral pathogens is crucial for effective disease management, outbreak surveillance, and vaccine development. Traditional diagnostic methods for virus detection, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological assays, have limitations in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and throughput (Cassedy et al., 2021).

Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common type of genetic variation in viruses, phages, and viroid playing a crucial role in disease susceptibility, drug response, and evolutionary adaptation (Zamai, 2020). However, the identification and characterization of SNPs from genetic data is challenging due to sequencing errors, alignment ambiguities, and genomic complexity. Traditional SNP calling methods often rely on heuristic rules and statistical models that can lead to false-positive or false-negative results (Nogales and L. DeDiego, 2019).

In recent years, the advent of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies has revolutionized the field of genomics, enabling researchers to obtain vast amounts of genetic data with unprecedented speed and efficiency. NGS-based approaches offer a promising alternative as they enable comprehensive and unbiased characterization of viral communities in diverse biological samples. This flood of data has opened new avenues for studying the genetic makeup of various organisms, including viruses, and facilitated the identification of genetic variations such as SNPs (Wang et al., 2022). Furthermore, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and algorithms into bioinformatics pipelines has improved our ability to analyze and interpret complex genomic datasets, which has led to significant advances in virus detection, validation and SNP discovery (Lin et al., 2023).

In the realm of personalized medicine, pipelines can play a pivotal role in identifying viral pathogens and genetic variations that influence disease susceptibility and drug response in individual patients. This capability has the potential to revolutionize treatment strategies by enabling more targeted and effective interventions (Albahri et al., 2020). Moreover, pipelines in agriculture can contribute to the rapid identification and characterization of viral pathogens infecting crops, facilitating timely disease management and crop protection measures (Cob-Parro et al., 2024). In addition, pipelines can help monitor and track viral outbreaks in wildlife populations as part of environmental monitoring, thus curbing the spread of infectious diseases in ecosystems (Tuia et al., 2022).

In this study, we present a comprehensive pipeline for virus detection, validation, and SNP discovery from NGS data. Our pipeline integrates state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools to process raw sequencing data, align it to reference genomes, and identify viral sequences and SNPs with high accuracy and sensitivity. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through a series of case studies and validation experiments that highlight its potential applications in clinical diagnostics, epidemiological surveillance, and evolutionary studies.

2 Materials and methods

The methodology begins by explaining the range of software tools used in the comprehensive AI-powered pipeline for virus detection, validation, and SNP discovery from NGS data. The script uses a variety of software tools to perform different tasks. Here is a breakdown of the tools used and whether they need to be installed (Table 1). The script uses several software tools for data processing and analysis. Some tools, such as cutadapt, samtools, MegaHit, Biopython, and NCBIBlast+, must be installed separately. Built-in Python modules (os, random, subprocess) and functionalities within Biopython (Entrez, SeqIO) are readily available. Commonly used tools such as gzip and pandas may already be installed on the systems, but a check is recommended. The code is available in the Git Hub ( Figure 1 shows a comprehensive Python-based pipeline for converting raw NGS data into verified viral sequences (Figure 1).

Table 1. Software tools used in the Python script. This table summarizes the software tools used in the script, indicating whether they need separate installation or are readily available.

Figure 1. Viral sequence and SNP discovery: A python-powered odyssey. This Python-based workflow transforms raw NGS data into verified viral sequences. It includes quality filtering, read pairing, mapping, de novo assembly, and SNP discovery. In vitro validation ensures accuracy.

2.1 Trimming paired-end reads (data preparation, adapter trimming, and quality filtering)

The raw paired-end sequencing data obtained from NGS experiments were stored in compressed FASTQ format files. The files in question contained the forward and reverse reads generated by the sequencing platform. In the present study, we employed RNA-Seq data (whole transcriptome sequencing) from our previous investigations wherein we identified the Citrus tristeza virus in this data using alternative bioinformatics tools (Ghorbani et al., 2018a; Ghorbani et al., 2023).

Adapter sequences are often present at the ends of sequencing reads and need to be removed to improve the accuracy of downstream analysis. The Cutadapt tool was used for this purpose. Cutadapt is a flexible and efficient tool for removing adapter sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads. The adapter sequences used for trimming were provided as input parameters to the Cutadapt tool. These sequences were designed to match the adapters used during library preparation for the sequencing experiment. The tool was configured to perform quality-based trimming with minimum quality score threshold of 20, as recommended by Williams et al. (2016). Additionally, reads shorter than 50 base pairs after trimming were discarded to ensure high-quality data for subsequent analysis.

A quality filtering process was employed to remove low-quality reads that could potentially compromise subsequent analysis. This stage involved the application of a minimum quality threshold to the sequencing reads, typically represented by the Phred quality score. Reads with average quality scores below the specified threshold were excluded from further analysis. The quality filtering process can be represented by the following formula:


Q represents the Phred quality score.

P represents the probability of the base being called incorrectly.

2.2 Pairing trimmed reads

Following adapter trimming, the trimmed forward and reverse reads were paired to reconstruct the original paired-end reads. Correct read pairing is a prerequisite for subsequent analysis, including mapping to a reference genome. The pairing process entailed aligning the forward and reverse reads by their sequence in the input files. The read pairing process can be described by the following pseudo-code:


Copy code

paired_reads = []

for each forward_read, reverse_read in zip (forward_reads, reverse_reads):

 if ==

  paired_reads.append ((forward_read, reverse_read))

2.3 Mapping to host reference genome

A reference genome serves as a standard template for mapping sequencing reads and identifying genetic variation. In this case, the sweet orange reference genome (Citrus sinensis, GCF_000317415) with 327.7 Mb genome size and 17,382 contigs from nine chromosomes was used. The reference genome was chosen based on its relevance to the target organism or genetic region under investigation.

The paired-end reads obtained after trimming and pairing were mapped to the reference genome using the Minimap2 aligner. Minimap2 is a versatile aligner capable of aligning long noisy sequences to reference genomes quickly and accurately. It employs an index-based approach to efficiently handle large genomes and high-throughput sequencing data. The alignment process can be represented by the following formula:

Alignment Score=Match Score×Number of Matches – Mismatch Penalty×Number of Mismatches


Match ScoreMatch Score represents the score assigned to a matching base pair, Mismatch PenaltyMismatch Penalty represents the penalty assigned to a mismatched base pair.

Unmapped reads were saved and used for the next steps.

2.4 De novo assembly of unmapped reads

In this section, we have implemented a Python script for the de novo assembly of sequencing data using the MegaHit software. The dataset used for this analysis was a set of unmapped reads stored in a FASTA file, located at “/Path/outputs/unmapped.fasta.” Mapped reads belong to the host so we use unmapped reads that may include virus reads. The MegaHit software version 1.2.9 was downloaded and installed on the system, with the binary executable located at “/Path/MegaHit/MEGAHIT-1.2.9-Linux-x86_64-static/bin/megahit.” To initiate the de novo assembly process with MegaHit, the Python script generated a unique output directory name by appending a random number to the base directory “/Path/outputscontig.” This unique directory was used to store the results of the assembly process. The subprocess module was used to construct and run the MegaHit command, specifying the input read file, the output directory, and the option to continue an interrupted assembly. The MegaHit command was constructed as follows:

megahit_cmd = [megahit_path,

 “-r”, fasta_data, # Input reads

 “-o”, unique_outputs_dir, # Output directory

 “--continue” # Continue an interrupted assembly] (megahit_cmd, check=True)

Upon successful completion of the de novo assembly process, a message was printed indicating the completion of the assembly and providing the path to the output directory with the assembled contigs. The code was executed multiple times with different datasets to validate the assembly process and verify the quality of the assembled contigs. The output generated by the script was crucial in analyzing the sequencing data and in providing valuable insights for further research in the field.

2.5 Sequence blast similarity search from assembled contigs2.5.1 Database Selection

To identify potential viral sequences in the NGS data, sequence similarity searches were performed against public databases. Three databases were selected for this purpose:

Nucleotide Database for Viruses: This database contains nucleotide sequences of viruses obtained from various sources, including the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank and other curated repositories (

Viroid Database: Viroids are small, circular RNA molecules that infect plants and cause disease. The viroid database contains sequences of known viroid species and strains (

Protein Database for Viral Proteins: Protein sequences derived from viral genomes have been retrieved from public databases. These sequences represent the proteome of various viruses and are essential for protein-level analysis (

2.5.2 BLAST parameters optimization

BLAST searches were performed with different parameters to balance sensitivity and specificity in sequence similarity detection ( Key parameters optimized include:

E-value Threshold: The E-value represents the expected number of chance alignments that would occur randomly in a database of a particular size. Lower E-values indicate higher confidence in the match. Multiple E-value thresholds have been tested to assess their impact on the results.

Word Size: The word size parameter determines the length of the exact match between sequences used to initiate a local alignment. Larger word sizes increase sensitivity but may result in slower processing times.

Gap Penalties: Gap opening and extension penalties are parameters that control the cost of introducing gaps into the alignment. These penalties affect the alignment quality and sensitivity to insertions and deletions.

The following outlines how the provided code utilizes AI tools.

2.5.3 BLAST search using AI tools

The code uses a bioinformatics tool called BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) to compare biological sequences. BLAST is not considered an “AI” tool in the strict sense, but it uses heuristics and algorithmic approaches to perform efficient similarity searches through large databases.

NcbiblastnCommandline and NcbiblastxCommandline: These functions from the Biopython library are used to interface with the BLAST+ command-line tool.

Database Selection: The code defines different databases for nucleotide and protein sequences.

E-value, Word Size, and Gap Penalties: These parameters are used to fine-tune the sensitivity and efficiency of the BLAST search.

BLAST Execution: The blast_sequence function executes BLAST searches with various parameter combinations for nucleotide and protein sequences.

Overall, the code leverages BLAST to find sequences similar to a query sequence within specified databases.

2.6 Blast result quality filtering

Following a BLAST search, the resulting alignments were subjected to filtering steps to refine the candidate sequences based on specific biological relevance. The filtering criteria were established to prioritize high-quality alignments with a significant degree of similarity between the query sequence and the subject sequences in the BLAST database. The rationale behind each filter criterion is described below:

Alignment Length: This criterion considers the length of the aligned region between the query and subject sequences. Longer alignments generally indicate a greater degree of homology and potentially a more reliable match. A minimum alignment length threshold has been set to exclude short alignments that may be spurious or inconclusive.

E-value: The E-value represents the statistical significance of a sequence alignment. Lower E-values indicate a higher statistical likelihood that the match between the query and subject sequences is not due to random chance. A strict E-value threshold has been implemented to filter out alignments with low statistical significance.

Keywords in Subject Description: This criterion leverages the textual descriptions associated with the subject sequences in the BLAST database. Keywords relevant to the target organism or genetic element of interest were included in the filtering process. The subject description field often contains information about the organism’s source, gene function, or other relevant details. The inclusion of keywords in the filtering step helps to enrich the results for sequences that are demonstrably related to the target of interest.

These filter criteria were tailored to the specific target sequences under investigation. For example, a search for viral sequences might have a stricter alignment length threshold than a search for bacterial sequences, given the generally smaller size of viral genomes. Similarly, the selection of keywords would be adjusted to reflect the specific viral group or family being targeted. The filtering process was implemented using custom Python scripts. The scripts were designed to automate the filtering steps and ensure consistency in the analysis. Here’s a breakdown of the general workflow:

Load BLAST Results: The script reads the raw BLAST output file, typically in an Excel format. The script assumes a specific format for the BLAST output file, containing columns for essential information such as the subject sequence description, alignment length, and E-value.

Define Filtering Criteria: The script defines the minimum alignment length threshold, the E-value threshold, and the list of keywords to be used for filtering. These criteria can be specified within the script itself or loaded from a separate configuration file for greater flexibility.

Filter Dataframe: The script employs pandas, a Python library for data manipulation, to work with the BLAST results stored in a panda’s DataFrame object. The DataFrame is filtered based on predefined criteria. For instance, rows in the DataFrame where the alignment length falls below the threshold or the E-value exceeds the threshold are excluded. In addition, rows are filtered out where the subject description does not contain any of the specified keywords.

Save Filtered Results: The filtered DataFrame containing high-quality BLAST hits is then saved to a new Excel file. This file can be used for further analysis or downstream applications.

The custom scripting approach has several advantages. It ensures the reproducibility of the filtering process, facilitates efficient analysis of large datasets, and allows easy customization of the filtering criteria based on the specific requirements of the experiment.

2.7 Retrieval of virus sequences

Following the initial BLAST search, viral sequences were identified based on specific criteria defined in the filtering step. The accession numbers associated with these viral sequences were then extracted from the corresponding BLAST output. Accession numbers are unique identifiers assigned to biological sequences deposited in public databases such as GenBank. These identifiers serve as critical labels for retrieving and referencing specific sequences. Also, the NCBI Entrez system provides programmatic access to various biological databases, including GenBank. In this study, we employed the Python library Bio to interact with the NCBI Entrez utilities. Specifically, the Entrez. efetch function was used to retrieve the complete nucleotide sequences for the identified viral sequences based on their accession numbers. (It is recommended to set the Entrez. email variable to a valid email address. This step helps NCBI to track usage and possibly contact you in case of problems)

Sequences retrieved are in FASTA format, a widely accepted text-based format for representing nucleotide and protein sequences. Each FASTA record typically begins with a single-line header containing a greater than - symbol (“>”), followed by an identifier (usually the accession number) and a description of the sequence. The following lines contain the actual sequence data. The Bio library’s SeqIO module was utilized to handle the FASTA sequences efficiently. The function parses the FASTA file and converts each sequence record into a Python object, allowing for further manipulation and analysis. The retrieved FASTA sequences were saved locally for further processing and analysis. The SeqIO.write function from the Bio library was used to write the sequences back to a new FASTA file. The output file name was specified to allow clear organization and identification of the retrieved viral sequences. Additionally, it is good practice to include error-handling mechanisms in the code to deal with potential problems during the sequence retrieval process. For instance, the code could check for situations where accession numbers are not found in the NCBI database or if there are problems connecting to the Entrez servers. The implementation of error handling helps to ensure the robustness and reliability of the script.

This protocol relies on the following Python libraries, Bio: Provides functions for parsing and processing biological data including sequences in various formats (

Pandas: Used to manipulate data from the Excel file containing the BLAST results (

2.8 Algorithm complexity analysis

Trimming and Quality Filtering (Cutadapt)

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the total number of base pairs in the input reads

Space Complexity: O(m), where m is the length of the longest read

Read Mapping (Minimap2)

Time Complexity: O (n log n), where n is the total length of the reads

Space Complexity: O(n)

De Novo Assembly (MegaHit)

Time Complexity: O (n log n), where n is the total length of the reads

Space Complexity: O(n)

BLAST Search

Time Complexity: O (mn), where m is the length of the query sequence and n is the total length of the sequences in the database

Space Complexity: O (mn)

Filtering and Post-processing

Time Complexity: O(k), where k is the number of BLAST hits

Space Complexity: O(k)

2.9 Mapping to reference genome and consensus sequence generation

Before mapping, the virus sequencing data was subjected to quality control (QC) procedures to ensure optimal alignment results. Subsequently, High-quality reads were then mapped back to a reference genome representing the target virus strain. Here, we employed Minimap2, an ultrafast aligner specifically designed for NGS data. Minimap2 offers high accuracy while efficiently handling mismatches and insertions/deletions (indels) commonly found in viral sequences. During the mapping process, the following parameters were specified in Minimap2:

-ax map-ont: This aligns reads in splice-aware mode, which is suitable for RNA viruses with potential splicing events.

-m < reference_genome.fasta>: Specifies the reference genome FASTA file for alignment.

The mapping results were evaluated using several metrics, including:

Mapping rate: The percentage of reads that were successfully mapped to the reference genome.

Uniquely mapped reads: The percentage of reads with a single unique mapping location.

Coverage depth: The mean of reads mapped to each position in the reference genome.

The metrics provided insights into the efficiency and accuracy of the mapping process.

Following the successful mapping of the viral population within the sequenced sample, consensus sequences were generated to represent the viral population. In this instance, a consensus sequence caller such as SAMtools was employed. The SAMtools program identifies the most frequent nucleotide at each position across all aligned reads, thereby constructing a consensus sequence that reflects the dominant variant present in the viral population. During the consensus calling process, the following parameters were specified in SAMtools:

-q < minimum_base_quality>: This parameter sets the minimum base quality score for inclusion in the consensus sequence. For example, -q 30 would include bases with a Phred score ≥ 30).

-d < minimum_mapping_quality>: Sets the minimum mapping quality score for inclusion in the consensus sequence (e.g., -d 20 for reads with mapping quality ≥ 20).

2.10 SNPs discovery

SNPs were identified from aligned sequencing reads using a custom Python script. The algorithm is comprised of the following general steps:

Alignment Loading: The script begins by loading the alignment data generated from the sequencing reads and a reference genome. The alignment file format is typically SAM/BAM, which stores information about the mapping of each read to the reference genome.

Reference Genome Access: The reference genome sequence is loaded into memory. This reference serves as the basis for the identification of SNPs.

Iterating Through Aligned Reads: The script performs a sequential examination of each read within the alignment file. Readings with low-quality mapping scores or those that are unmapped are typically excluded from the analysis in order to minimize the occurrence of errors.

Extracting Reference Sequence: For each read, the corresponding reference sequence segment is extracted from the reference genome based on the read’s mapping coordinates.

Read vs. Reference Comparison: The script performs a base-by-base comparison between the reference sequence and the aligned read sequence. Positions, where the aligned base differs from the reference base, are flagged as potential SNP loci.

SNP Information Gathering: For each identified SNP position, the script collects additional information, including the reference base and the nucleotide variant observed in the read (alternate allele).

Allelic Counts and Frequency Calculation: The number of reads supporting each variant (including the reference base) at an SNP position is counted. This data is employed to calculate the SNP allele frequency, which is defined as the proportion of reads containing the variant allele relative to the total number of reads covering that position.

Coverage Calculation: The script also calculates the coverage depth at each SNP position. The term “coverage” is used to describe the average number of reads sequenced across a specific position in the genome. Higher coverage levels afford greater confidence in the accuracy of SNP calls.

Our custom Python-based SNP discovery script uses a robust approach to identify SNPs and call dominant variants in viral populations. The script compares the entire population of sequenced viral reads to a reference genome, providing a comprehensive overview of genetic diversity.

SNP identification: The script defines a SNP as a position in the genome where the nucleotide differs from the reference sequence in a significant proportion of reads. In detail, we use the following criteria:

1. Minimum coverage: A position must be covered by at least 20 reads to be considered for SNP calling.

2. Allele frequency threshold: A variant allele must be present in at least 5% of the reads covering that position.

Dominant Variant Calling: To identify dominant variants, the script calculates the frequency of each alternative allele at each position. A variant is considered dominant if its frequency exceeds 50% of the reads at that position.

False Positive Handling: To minimize false positives, we implement several filtering steps:

1. Quality score filtering: We only consider base calls with a Phred quality score of 30 or higher, corresponding to a base call accuracy of 99.9%.

2. Strand bias filter: We require that the variant be observed on both forward and reverse strands, with a maximum strand bias of 80/20.

3. Clustering filter: We exclude variants that occur in clusters of three or more within a 10 bp window, as these may represent sequencing artifacts.

The script outputs a list of identified SNPs along with their positions, reference and alternative alleles, and frequencies. For dominant variants, it also provides additional metrics such as the depth of coverage and the number of reads supporting each allele. This approach allows us to capture a spectrum of genetic variation within the virus population, from rare variants to those that have become established in the population. By applying these stringent criteria and filters, we aim to provide a set of SNPs and dominant variants with high confidence that accurately reflects the genetic diversity of the virus population under study.

2.11 Pipeline validation

To validate and examine the pipeline in diverse samples, we employed a selection of RNA-Seq and whole genome sequence samples that were accessible and had previously been analyzed with other bioinformatics tools (Table 2).

Table 2. RNA-Seq and whole-genome sequences were analyzed before and used for validation in this study.

3 Results and discussion3.1 Pipeline for detection and validation

Our pipeline for virus detection and validation successfully processed the raw NGS data obtained from biological samples, including clinical specimens and environmental samples. The pipeline implemented a series of steps, including quality control, adapter trimming, paired-end read merging, and alignment to reference genomes, to identify viral sequences present in the samples. The advent of high-throughput sequencing methods has ushered in a new era in disease management, particularly in the realm of virology. The development of tools like the Plant Virus Detection Pipeline (PVDP) (Gutiérrez et al., 2021) and VirFind underscores (Ho and Tzanetakis, 2014) the potential of high-throughput sequencing to revolutionize our approach to plant disease surveillance and virus discovery.

PVDP’s ability to operate without the need for high-performance computing centers makes it an invaluable asset for developing countries, where such resources are scarce (Gutiérrez et al., 2021). Similarly, VirFind’s comprehensive pipeline, from sample preparation to data analysis, offers a universal solution for virus detection (Guerra et al., 2021). On the structural biology front, pyKVFinder’s integration (Guerra et al., 2021) with Python’s scientific ecosystem facilitates the detection and characterization of biomolecular cavities, which is crucial for understanding biomolecular interactions and advancing drug design (Ho and Tzanetakis, 2014). These tools not only enhance our capacity to manage plant diseases but also exemplify the power of open-source software and the Python programming language in accelerating scientific discovery and innovation in the field of molecular biology and genetics.

3.2 Quality control and adapter trimming

Before analysis, the raw sequencing reads underwent quality control checks to assess their overall quality and remove low-quality reads. Adapter sequences were trimmed from the reads using the Cutadapt tool, ensuring that only high-quality and adapter-free reads were retained for downstream analysis (Table 3). Table 3 details the total read pairs processed, the proportion of reads with adapters, and the final count of quality-filtered base pairs, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the sequencing data refinement, aligning with the common practice aimed at enhancing the accuracy of variant calling. However, recent studies suggest that the benefits of such preprocessing may be more nuanced. For example, an analysis of the impact of read trimming on SNP-calling accuracy across thousands of bacterial genomes revealed that while trimming does not significantly alter the set of variant bases called, it does contribute to a reduction in mixed calls, thereby potentially increasing the confidence in variant identification (Bush, 2020). These findings resonate with our approach, where the meticulous refinement of sequencing data may serve to bolster the reliability of subsequent analyses rather than substantially changing the outcome of variant calls.

Table 3. Quality control and adapter trimming results.

3.3 Read merging and mapping to host genome

Paired-end reads were merged to reconstruct the original DNA fragments, thereby improving the accuracy of subsequent alignment and mapping steps. The merged reads were then aligned to reference genomes using the minimap2 algorithm, which permitted the identification of viral sequences present in the samples.

Based on the mapping statistics report (Figure 2), a total of 48,503,625 reads were analyzed, out of which 47,963,510 (98.89%) reads were successfully mapped to the Citrus sinensis reference genome (GCF_000317415). This indicates a high mapping efficiency, suggesting that most of the sequencing reads originated from the host organism and could be aligned to its reference genome.

Figure 2. In-Depth Analysis of Read Mapping: Detailed Statistics from the Bioinformatics Pipeline. Total Reads: Number of reads generated from the RNA sequencing. QC-Passed Reads: Reads that passed quality control checks. Mapped Reads (% Mapped): Percentage of reads aligned to the reference genome. Properly Paired (% Properly Paired): Percentage of read pairs correctly aligned with expected orientation and distance.

Primary alignments: 42,111,398 (98.72% of mapped reads) mapped to the reference genome at a single location. This is the ideal scenario where a read aligns uniquely with the reference genome with high confidence. Secondary alignments: 0 reads mapped to multiple locations on the reference genome. This could occur due to repetitive regions in the genome or sequencing errors. Supplementary alignments: 6,392,227 (13.35% of mapped reads) mapped to the reference genome with lower quality compared to primary alignments. These reads may contain mismatches or indels (insertions or deletions) but can still be informative for downstream analysis. Duplicate reads: 0 reads were identified as duplicates. Duplicate reads arise from PCR amplification bias during library preparation and are often removed to reduce redundancy in the data. Properly paired reads: 36,491,622 (76.29% of all reads) were identified as properly paired reads. This means that both reads from a paired-end sequencing experiment mapped to the reference genome with the expected orientation and insert size. Singletons: 147,307 (0.35% of all reads) were singletons. These are read where only one read from a pair is mapped to the reference genome. This can happen due to sequencing errors or adapter contamination. Mate mapped to a different chromosome: 1,507,272 (3.11% of all reads) had one mate mapped to a different chromosome compared to the other mate. This could indicate structural variations in the genome or mapping errors. The high mapping efficiency (98.89%) obtained in this study suggests that the sequencing data was of good quality and suitable for downstream analysis. Many of the reads mapped to the reference genome, allowing for variant calling and other genetic analyses specific to the host organism (Citrus sinensis). This study’s high mapping efficiency to the Citrus sinensis reference genome (GCF_000317415) with a significant proportion of primary alignments (Figure 2) aligns with the advancements in read alignment methodologies discussed by Alser et al. (2021), emphasizing the importance of algorithmic precision in genomic analyses. Moreover, the presence of unmapped reads in our dataset resonates with the findings of Rahman et al. (2018), where an alignment-free GWAS method based on k-mer counting could potentially reveal associations with structural variations and novel genetic elements not present in the reference genome. This suggests that our approach, while robust in identifying known genomic features, could be complemented by k-mer-based analyses to explore the full spectrum of genetic diversity within the host organism.

A small percentage of reads (1.11%) did not map to the reference genome. These unmapped reads could be due to several reasons, including Sequencing errors: Errors introduced during the sequencing process can lead to reads that do not match the reference genome. Adapter contamination: Adapter sequences used for library preparation can sometimes be sequenced and contaminated the data. These adapter sequences would not map to the reference genome. Novel genetic elements: Reads that originate from genetic elements do not present in the reference genome, such as viral sequences or novel insertions, would not map to the reference. These unmapped reads were likely saved for further analysis, such as de novo assembly, to explore the possibility of discovering novel viruses or other genetic elements do not present in the reference genome. While a small fraction of reads in our study did not map to the Citrus sinensis reference genome, similar to the approach taken by Neumann et al. (2023), these reads hold significant potential for uncovering novel genetic elements or infectious pathogens. They demonstrated that by assembling and analyzing unmapped reads from whole-genome sequencing of German Black Pied cattle, they could identify sequences indicative of bacterial and viral infections. Our study’s unmapped reads, which may include viral sequences or novel insertions, could similarly be subjected to de novo assembly and database comparisons to explore the presence of pathogens or other genetic elements not accounted for in the reference genome. Figure 2 provides a quick overview of the key statistics reported in the RNA-Seq data mapping analysis, which are essential for assessing the quality and success of the sequencing experiment.

3.4 De novo assembly of unmapped reads

The de novo assembly process successfully utilized MegaHit to assemble contigs from the unmapped reads stored in “/Path/pathogenereads/outputs/unmapped.fasta.” The script ensured reproducibility by generating a unique output directory name for each assembly run. After generating fasta sequences from contigs we also generated a de novo assembly report. Table 4 presents the key statistics from a de novo assembly, highlighting the total number of contigs, their combined length, and the range of contig lengths, culminating in the N50 value (Jauhal and Newcomb, 2021). Moreover, the results indicate that the de novo assembly process was effective in generating contigs of varying lengths. Although the minimum contig length is relatively short, the presence of longer contigs (up to 4,394 bp) offers a greater probability of capturing complete viral sequences. The N50 value of 429 bp provides further evidence of a moderate level of contiguity within the assembly. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the factors that may influence the quality and completeness of assembled contigs.

Table 4. Unmapped reads De novo assembly metrics.

Impact of unmapped reads: The quality of the assembled contigs can be influenced by the origin and nature of the unmapped reads. Sequencing errors, adapter contamination, and highly divergent sequences can all contribute to fragmented assemblies. Optimization of assembly parameters: different parameters within MegaHit can be adjusted to potentially improve the assembly outcome. Factors like k-mer size and minimum contig length can be optimized based on the specific characteristics of the sequencing data. Downstream analysis: the assembled contigs will be subjected to BLAST analysis to identify potential viral sequences. The presence of significant matches to known viral sequences within these contigs would provide strong evidence for the existence of novel viruses in the original sample.

Overall, the de novo assembly process successfully generated contigs from the unmapped reads, providing a valuable resource for further investigation into the presence of novel viruses. Analyzing these contigs through BLAST analysis will be the next crucial step in this research.

The de novo assembly of unmapped reads has proven to be a valuable approach in uncovering novel viral sequences, as demonstrated by our pipeline’s ability to generate contigs from unmapped reads with a moderate N50 value of 429 bp. This method aligns with the findings of Usman et al. (2017), who utilized unmapped RNA-Seq reads to explore the presence of pathogens and assess the completeness of bovine genome assemblies. Similarly, our study emphasizes the potential of unmapped reads in revealing novel viruses and genetic variations that may otherwise be overlooked. Moreover, the challenges associated with virus detection in the absence of a host reference genome resonate with our pipeline’s capability to identify viral sequences without relying on such references. The implementation of a decoy module could further enhance the accuracy of our pipeline by providing a means to assess false classification rates (Kruppa et al., 2018). Furthermore, the comprehensive overview provided by Kutnjak et al. (2021) on the analysis of high-throughput sequencing data for plant virus detection underscores the importance of robust bioinformatic tools. Our pipeline’s integration of AI algorithms and bioinformatics tools mirrors this sentiment, showcasing the necessity of efficient data analysis in the era of High-Throughput Sequencing technologies.

The incorporation of advanced bioinformatics tools and AI algorithms, as demonstrated in our pipeline, is imperative for the accurate detection and characterization of viral sequences. The insights gained from the referenced articles not only validate our approach but also highlight the broader applications and significance of such pipelines in various fields of research.

3.5 Optimized viral sequence detection: leveraging AI-enhanced BLAST in contig analysis

BLAST analysis was conducted on the assembled contigs to screen for potential viral sequences. Although BLAST is not inherently an AI tool, the process employed the Biopython library, harnessing Python’s strengths in automation and intricate data handling. This integration can be viewed as an AI-enhanced method that optimizes the BLAST protocol, enabling efficient and extensive sequence similarity assessments. In this study, BLAST searches were performed using three specialized databases to ensure comprehensive viral sequence identification. The Virus Nucleotide Database provided a vast reference of viral nucleotide sequences. To encompass a wider range of pathogens, the Viroid’s Database was included, containing sequences of small infectious RNA molecules known as viroids. Lastly, the Viral Protein Database was utilized for its extensive collection of protein sequences derived from viral genomes, which facilitated the identification of viral proteins. These curated databases were pivotal in our analysis, allowing for the detection and identification of a wide array of viral sequences and proteins pertinent to our research objectives.

3.6 BLAST parameter optimization with algorithmic efficiency

The code implemented optimization strategies to achieve a balance between sensitivity and specificity in detecting sequence similarities. These strategies highlight the strengths of AI-assisted analysis:

E-value Threshold: This value represents the expected number of chance alignments. Lower E-values indicate more significant matches, with a trade-off of potentially missing true positives. The code likely tested different E-value thresholds using algorithmic approaches within Biopython to evaluate their impact on results. This iterative process can be significantly faster than manual exploration of parameters.

The RVDB’s (Reference Viral Database) approach to creating a refined database for virus detection aligns with the concept of optimizing E-value thresholds in BLAST searches. By reducing non-viral sequences, RVDB enhances the specificity of virus detection, similar to how adjusting E-value thresholds can improve the significance of BLAST matches (Goodacre et al., 2018).

Word Size: The word size defines the minimum length of exact matches used to initiate local alignments. Larger word sizes enhance sensitivity but can lead to slower processing times. Finding the optimal word size depends on the specific dataset and the desired balance between speed and accuracy. Biopython’s functionalities allow the code to explore different word size options and select the most efficient value for the data at hand. The study on marine DNA virus communities discusses the impact of k-mer sizes on assembly and taxonomic profiling. This is analogous to the word size parameter in BLAST, where larger word sizes can resolve more repeat regions, akin to larger k-mers providing higher N50 values and average contig lengths (Kim et al., 2022). Both parameters are crucial for the accuracy and efficiency of sequence analysis.

Gap Penalties: Penalties are assigned for introducing gaps (insertions or deletions) in alignments. Adjusting these penalties influences the alignment quality and sensitivity to insertions and deletions within sequences. The code can employ optimization algorithms to find the penalty settings that lead to the most informative alignments for the specific contigs being analyzed.

iPHoP’s integration is a multiple method for host prediction based on machine learning to discover viruses from bacteria and archaea (Roux et al., 2023) and can be seen as a parallel to adjusting gap penalties in BLAST. Just as iPHoP aims to maximize host prediction accuracy by combining different computational approaches, fine-tuning gap penalties in BLAST can lead to more informative alignments, especially when analyzing metagenome-derived virus genomes (Roux et al., 2023).

Leveraging Biopython further, the code facilitates scalable and accurate BLAST analysis through automated BLAST execution, iterating across multiple contigs and databases, thus minimizing human error. It also standardizes output parsing, efficiently extracting crucial metrics like percent identity, alignment length, and E-values, which are indispensable for identifying biologically significant high-scoring alignments. The inherent flexibility of the code, thanks to Biopython, ensures seamless integration of future advancements in BLAST or sequence analysis algorithms, maintaining the adaptability of the analysis pipeline to the ever-evolving landscape of bioinformatics tools. This approach aligns with the principles outlined in “BLAST-QC: automated analysis of BLAST results,” which emphasizes the need for streamlined scripts to address the tedious nature of analyzing large BLAST search results. BLAST-QC’s design for easy integration into high-throughput workflows and pipelines resonates with our use of Biopython, which similarly provides a lightweight and portable solution for BLAST result analysis (Torkian et al., 2020). Moreover, the “DNAChecker” algorithm’s focus on assessing sequence quality before BLAST analysis complements our methodology, ensuring the effectiveness of the BLAST results by pre-screening the input sequences (Bhat et al., 2019). This pre-analysis step is crucial, given the open-platform nature of biological databases that often accept sequences with varying quality. So, the code’s reliance on Biopython not only enhances the efficiency and accuracy of BLAST analysis but also embodies the principles of modern bioinformatics workflows—automation, quality control, and adaptability to technological advancements.

3.7 BLAST search results and evidence for citrus tristeza virus

Figure 3 summarizes the BLAST results for a subset of contigs queried against the three databases (Supplementary Table S1). The table shows alignments with high percent identity (similarity) and alignment lengths, suggesting potential matches to known viral sequences. Overall, the BLAST results provide compelling evidence for the presence of contigs with significant similarity to known Citrus tristeza virus sequences and some phages and viroids but with less similarity or blast align lengths. This strongly suggests the possibility of discovering novel Citrus tristeza virus strains or related viruses within the original sample.

Figure 3. Comprehensive BLAST analysis of contig Sequences via AI-enhanced methodology across Viral Nucleotide, Viral Protein, and Viroid Databases. Query ID: The identifier for the query sequence. Query Def: Description of the query sequence, including flags, multiplicity, and length. Subject Def: Description of the subject sequence, often including the organism name and genome status. Percent Identity: The percentage of identical matches between the query and subject sequences over the alignment. Alignment Length: The length of the alignment between the query and subject sequences. Mismatches: The number of differences between the query and subject sequences in the alignment. Gap Opens: The number of gaps introduced in the alignment. Query Start/End: The start and end positions of the alignment on the query sequence. Subject Start/End: The start and end positions of the alignment on the subject sequence. E-value: The expectation value, indicates the number of hits one can expect to see by chance when searching a database of a particular size. Bit Score: A unitless measure of the sequence similarity, with higher scores indicating more significant alignments.

The filtering criteria applied to the BLAST search against a virus database have effectively pinpointed high-quality sequence alignments, as evidenced by the results in the virus filter Excel sheet. These results showcase promising sequences for subsequent analysis. Notably, all query sequences aligned significantly with the complete genome of the Citrus tristeza virus (CTV, NC_001661.1), suggesting a potential link with CTV. The alignments’ high percent identity, ranging from 73.71% to 88.15%, and the considerable alignment lengths, between 1,088 bp and 4,110 bp, underscore the sequences’ similarity and the hits’ relevance. The E-values, which span from 0 to 5.9E-122, underscore the statistical significance of these matches, indicating that the observed sequence similarities with CTV are not due to chance, thereby reinforcing the hypothesis of a genuine biological association. It is, however, noteworthy that no corresponding results were observed in the viroid and phage filter Excel sheets post-filtering, possibly due to the absence of these targets in the utilized sequence database for the BLAST search.

3.8 Retrieval of complete viral sequences

Following the successful identification of viral sequences through BLAST analysis and subsequent filtering, we proceeded to retrieve the complete nucleotide sequences for these viruses. This section outlines the methodology employed for sequence retrieval and presents the retrieved sequences. Additionally, The accession numbers were then extracted from the filtered BLAST results, resulting in a list of accession numbers corresponding to the identified viral sequences. These accession numbers act as unique identifiers within public databases like GenBank, enabling the retrieval of the complete viral genomes. The Entrez system provided by NCBI offers programmatic access to various biological databases, including GenBank. We leveraged the Bio Python library to interact with the Entrez utilities. Specifically, the Entrez. efetch function was utilized to retrieve the complete nucleotide sequences based on the extracted accession numbers. As recommended by NCBI, a valid email address was set for the Entrez. email variable to facilitate usage tracking and potential communication.

The retrieved viral sequences were obtained in the FASTA format, a standard text-based format for representing nucleotide sequences. Each FASTA entry typically begins with a header line containing an identifier (u

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