Neuropsychopharmacology (NPP) was first published in 1987. Since then, there have been eight Editors that have provided their own insight to bring the Journal to its current stature. Our appointment as Co-Editors in January 2023 provided an opportunity for a clinician-scientist (George) and preclinical scientist (Monteggia) to collectively shape the journal. We are delighted to report that as of this writing at the end of 2024, NPP is thriving.
At NPP we publish original research articles, reviews, correspondence, editorials, and Commentaries including Early Career Commentaries, Perspectives, and In Memoria (obituaries). The yearly Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews (NPPR), under the leadership of new Co-Editors Drs. Carolyn Rodriguez and Chuck Zorumski, have been expanded with regards to the number of articles as well as types of papers. We are now including perspectives from a range of thought leaders from academia, government, industry, and foundations among others to provide a broad view of the field. The 2024 issue ‘Rapid Antidepressant Action’ has been well-received and is accumulating citations. We are currently completing the 2025 ‘Neuroimaging’ Issue, led by Drs. Deanna Barch and Conor Liston. The 2026 NPPR will be two issues encompassing the “Trajectories of Mental Disorders”, the first focused on childhood/adolescence and the second on later life. A goal of these two issues is to link certain mental disorders across the human lifespan and highlight issues related to progression of mental disorders within the lifetime of an individual.
The current 2023 impact factor of NPP is 6.6, a decrease from 7.6 in 2022, a downward trend that has been observed in the fields of many journals. This trend is thought to be a result of changes to how the impact factor is calculated by Clarivate as well as a decrease in submissions following the increase seen during the COVID-19 lockdown period, which was associated with increases in impact factors across journals. In contrast to the impact factor, our overall rankings increased across psychiatry, pharmacology, and neuroscience journals this past year. We have also taken a pro-active approach to provide swift and fair review decisions to expedite publishing high-impact findings in the timeliest manner. We are delighted to report our average time of decision for full review is within 48 hours and our average time to editorial review is ~28 days. Moreover, our Cite Score has increased to 15. These metrics reflect our commitment to promote and enhance science with the required level of urgency. The growing overall impact of NPP has resulted in a 15% increase in submissions to the journal in the past year. In addition, we have substantially increased our profile on social media, including X (formerly Twitter), Podcasts (BrainPod) and through our NPP and ACNP websites. For example, we now promote our accepted articles with a new weekly feature known as “This Week in NPP”. These new initiatives have been led by our social media editor, Dr. Leah Mayo, and our Special Projects Manager, Dr. Briana Chen. We also continue the journal’s work over the past decade to include scientists across the career trajectory and efforts to improve the representation of scientists from historically underrepresented groups.
We are fortunate to work with Senior Editors and members of our Editorial Board who are active leaders in their respective fields and yet generous in contributing their time to the journal. We work closely with our Senior Editors and Editorial Board and remain committed to providing fair and timely editorial decisions.
We are honored to be the Co-Editors of NPP. We value the opportunity to work closely with ACNP to continue to advance the field of psychiatric neuroscience. We hope you will continue to submit your research articles to NPP, support our mission, and never hesitate to give us your feedback on the Journal.
Lisa M. Monteggia, Ph.D. and Tony P. George, M.D.
Co-Principal Editors, NPP
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