Colesevelam for lenalidomide associated diarrhea in patients with multiple myeloma

Competing interests

MH reports research funding from Daiichi Sankyo, Cosette Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbvie, Beigene, The Binding Site; consulting fees from Curio Science LLC, Projects in Knowledge, Intellisphere LLC, and participated in scientific advisory boards for Bristol Myers Squibb, Janssen, and GlaxoSmithKline. HH reports grants from Takeda, and Janssen; NK reports research funding from Amgen, Janssen, Epizyme, Abbvie; and participates in advisory board for Janssen and speaking fees from Dava oncology; KM reports grant support from ASH, MMRF, and IMS; SM received consulting fees from Evicore, Optum, BioAscend, Janssen Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb, AbbVie, ECor1, Galapagos, and Legend Biotech. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center receives research funding from the NCI, Janssen Oncology, Bristol Myers Squibb, Allogene Therapeutics, Fate Therapeutics, Caribou Therapeutics,and Takeda Oncology for research led by Sham Mailankody. Sham Mailankody received honoraria from OncLive, Physician Education Resource, MJH Life Sciences, and Plexus Communications, and is supported by the LLS Scholar in Clinical Research grant; UAS has received research funding from Janssen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sabinsa and M and M Labs to the institution. She has consulted for Janssen, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi and received honoraria from i3Health; CRT reports researching funding from Janssen and Takeda. Consultancy fees from Janssen and Sanofi; DJC receives research funding from Genentech; HJL reports research funding from Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Janssen Scientific Affairs LLC, Prothena, Protego, Nexcella and has advisory roles for Nexcella, Abbvie, Prothena; OBL reports research funding from Kite, received consulting fees from Incyte and Sanofi, and serving on advisory boards for MorphoSys Inc., Kite, Daiichi Sankyo Inc., Sanofi, Incyte; MS served as a paid consultant for McKinsey & Company, Angiocrine Bioscience, Inc., and Omeros Corporation; received research funding from Angiocrine Bioscience, Inc., Omeros Corporation, Amgen Inc., Bristol Myers Squibb, and Sanofi; served on ad hoc advisory boards for Kite – A Gilead Company, and Miltenyi Biotec; and received honoraria from i3Health, Medscape, CancerNetwork for CME-related activity and honoraria from IDEOlogy; GLS reports research funding from Janssen, Amgen, BMS, Beyond Spring, and GPCR, and serves on the Data Safety Monitoring Board for ArcellX; SAG reports personal fees and advisory role (scientific advisory board) from Actinium, Celgene, Bristol Myers Squibb, Sanofi, Amgen, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, JAZZ, Janssen, Omeros, Takeda, and Kite; MP reports research funding from Celgene/Bristol Myers Squibb, Abbvie, AstraZeneca, Nektar, Sanofi, Pfizer, Regeneron, and received honoraria/Consultancy from Janssen, Sanofi, Oncopeptides, Karyopharm, GSK, Pfizer; TS reports honoraria from Roche-Genentech; SZU reports grants and personal fees from AbbVie, Amgen, BMS, Celgene, GSK, Janssen, Merck, MundiPharma, Oncopeptides, Pharmacyclics, Sanofi, Seattle Genetics, SkylineDX, and Takeda; OL acknowledges funding from: NCI/NIH, FDA, LLS, Rising Tide Foundation, MMRF, IMF, Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation, Perelman Family Foundation, Amgen, Celgene, Janssen, Takeda, Glenmark, Seattle Genetics, Karyopharm; has received honoraria for scientific talks/participated in advisory boards for Adaptive, Amgen, Binding Site, BMS, Celgene, Cellectis, Glenmark, Janssen, Juno, Pfizer; and served on Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMC) for international randomized trials by: Takeda, Merck, Janssen, Theradex; AML reports grants from Bristol Myers Squibb; personal fees, grants and non-financial support from Pfizer; personal fees from Janssen and Arcellx. AML also has a patent US20150037346A1 with royalties paid; the remaining authors have no competing interest to disclose.

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