FK UNS Graduates 41 New Specialist Doctors

UNS – The Faculty of Medicine (FK) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has once again graduated students from its Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS). The graduation ceremony was attended by Vice Rector for Academic and Research Affairs, Prof. Dr. Fitria Rahmawati, S.Si, M.Si.; Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K); vice deans of FK UNS; Vice Director of Education and Research at UNS Hospital, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Sp.P.K., Ph.D.; as well as all heads of PPDS programs at FK UNS.

In the August graduation period, FK UNS awarded specialist degrees to 41 new doctors. Among the graduates, four were recipients of the Ministry of Health’s Study Assignment Scholarship, bringing the total number of scholarship recipients to 347 to date.

According to the academic report delivered by the Acting Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Research, and Student Affairs, Dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D., the 41 graduates were composed of 17 from the Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine program, 5 from Clinical Pathology, 5 from Pediatrics, 5 from Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, 4 from Psychiatry, 4 from Surgery, and 1 from Dermatology and Venereology.

The highest Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) in this batch was achieved by Melita, dr., Sp.P., from the Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine program, with a GPA of 3,90. The youngest graduate in this cohort was Hapsary Puteri Widodo, dr., Sp.P.K., from Clinical Pathology, who graduated at the age of 27 years and 10 months.

In his speech, dr. Iyan Ari Prabowo, Sp.P., representing the specialist doctors, expressed his pride in being a student at FK UNS and extended his gratitude for the guidance and education provided by the university. He also encouraged his fellow graduates to remain humble and continue striving for excellence.

“I urge my colleagues not to become complacent and to stay humble. Our real journey is just beginning. Let’s dedicate our knowledge to serving the community. Always maintain professionalism by engaging in compassionate and respectful communication with patients to provide the best care possible,” he said on Thursday (29/8/2024).

The Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Reviono, emphasized that it is time for the newly graduated specialists to demonstrate their professional identity. He also advised them to uphold the good name of UNS and maintain strong relationships with their peers and alma mater.

“To our new specialist doctors, it is time to immerse yourselves in the community and apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in your respective fields for the benefit of society,” Prof. Reviono said.

Through this August graduation, FK UNS has now graduated a total of 1.942 specialist doctors since its founding in 1976. These graduates are spread across the country, serving in various capacities in healthcare, education, research, and as specialists in government, the private sector, and the military or police forces.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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