UNS — The Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Library Unit (UPT Perpustakaan) in Surakarta has initiated the formation of a consortium for library and archival journals. The consortium was established during the National Seminar and Workshop on Scientific Publication in the Era of Society 5.0 and the Consortium of Library and Archival Journals, which took place at the Asia Hotel Ballroom, Surakarta, on Tuesday (3/9/2024) and Wednesday (4/9/2024). The seminar was organized by the UNS Library Unit in collaboration with the Scientific Journal Management Team and the Indonesian Library and Information Science Scholars Association (ISIPII).
During the formation of the consortium on Tuesday, an Ad Hoc Committee was established, organized by regional representatives. The Java regional committee includes UNS Library, represented by the Pustaka Ilmiah Journal (Sri Utari, S.E., M.A.); UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, represented by the Fihris Journal (Ahmad Anwar, M.A.); and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, represented by the Indonesian Journal Volunteers (RJI) (Dwi Fajar Saputra, S.Sos., M.M.). For the Sumatra region, the committee includes UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, represented by the Shaut al-Makhtabah Journal (Rahmi Yunita, M.A.).
The Head of UNS Library Unit, Burhanudin Harahap, S.H., M.Si., Ph.D., stated that the Ad Hoc Committee is tasked with drafting the Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD/ART) for the Association of Journal Managers in the Library and Archival Fields. The organization, named the Association of Library and Archival Journal Managers (Asosiasi Pengelola Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan, or APJPK), aims to improve and maintain the quality of journals in this field across Indonesia. “The vision of APJPK is to enhance and uphold the quality of journal management in the library and archival fields throughout Indonesia. The goal is to accelerate national accreditation and international indexing while adhering to the highest standards of publication ethics,” Burhanudin explained.
Editor: Dwi Hastuti
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