UNS Library Unit and ISIPII Hold National Seminar and Workshop

UNS – The Library Unit (UPT Perpustakaan) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta hosted a National Seminar and Workshop on enhancing scientific publication. The theme was “Scientific Publication in the Era of Society 5.0 & Consortium of Journals in the Field of Library and Archival Sciences.” This event took place over two days, on Tuesday (3/9/2024) and Wednesday (4/9/2024), at Hotel Asia, Surakarta.

The event was organized by the management team of the Pustaka Ilmiah Journal, UNS Library Unit, in cooperation with the Indonesian Association of Library and Information Science Scholars (ISIPII). The seminar was opened by the Acting Secretary of the UNS Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Dr. Dimas Rahadian Aji Muhammad S.T.P., M.Sc. Also in attendance were the Head of the UNS Library Unit, Burhanudin Harahap, S.H., M.Si., Ph.D., and the President of ISIPII, Wien Muldian. The seminar drew participants including librarians, archivists, and lecturers from Aceh, Padang, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Merauke.

According to Burhanudin, Ph.D., librarians play a critical role in facilitating library users’ access. He emphasized that librarians must leverage the potential of information technology in the Society 5.0 era to enhance the quality of library services, especially in the publication of scientific works. He hoped this seminar and workshop would foster the development of librarians’ roles.

“This event aims to realize the advancement of librarians’ roles in the development of technology,” Burhanudin, Ph.D. stated.

Echoing Burhanudin’s sentiments, Wien Muldian noted that library and archival sciences have seen rapid development since the Covid-19 pandemic. This growth is linked to how people obtain information and knowledge. He believes the library sector has significant potential to progress in line with technological advancements in the post-pandemic era.

“Our writings should contribute and significantly impact societal change,” Wien said.

Dr. Dimas Rahadian highlighted that the theme of the UNS Library Unit’s seminar and workshop is highly relevant to the performance of higher education institutions. The publication of scientific works has become easier with the acceleration of information technology. Furthermore, scientific publications are closely tied to UNS’s targets both at the national and international levels.

“Universities like UNS coordinate research efforts, with the results then being submitted to journal managers for publication. The journal management coordinator at UNS is managed within the LPPM (Research and Community Service Institute). Once published, the works are archived in the library,” Dr. Dimas explained.

Throughout the event, several sessions offered a range of topics aligned with the seminar’s theme. The first speaker, Dwi Fajar Saputra, S.Sos., M.M., from the Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran (UPNV) Jakarta and the Indonesian Journal Volunteers (RJI), discussed the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in managing Online Journal Systems. This session was moderated by Dwi Cahyo Yanuargo, S.Hum.

The second speaker, Wina Erwina, M.A., Ph.D., Head of the Knowledge Management Center at Universitas Padjajaran (Unpad), delivered a presentation titled “Optimization and Development of GLAM in the Society 5.0 Era.”

The third speaker, Wien Muldian, President of ISIPII (2024-2029) and Chairman of the Indonesian Literacy Association, discussed the Development of Library Science in the Society 5.0 Era. This session was moderated by Tri Hardian Satyawardhana, S.T., M.A.

It is hoped that the national seminar and workshop will enhance the knowledge and competencies of librarians, archivists, and lecturers in managing journals and publishing scientific works in the field of library and archival sciences.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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