Fuzzy cognitive mapping in participatory research and decision making: a practice review

Researchers reported their practice in three different FCM applications. Most cases mapped stakeholder knowledge in the context of participatory research [26, 32,33,34,35,36,37,3839]. They also described using FCM to contextualise mixed-methods literature reviews in stakeholder perspectives [5, 40, 41, 42] and to conduct secondary quantitative analysis of surveys [43,44,45]. A fourth FCM application, not discussed in detail in this paper, is in graduate teaching. A master’s program in Colombia and a PhD course in Canada incorporated the creation of cognitive maps as a learning tool, with each student building a map to describe how their research project could contribute to promoting change.

Table 1 summarises the characteristics of the 25 FCM practices reviewed. The number of maps varied from a handful to dozens. Table 2 summarises the processes of defining the issue, drawing, analysing, and using the three different kinds of maps: stakeholder knowledge, mixed-methods literature reviews, and questionnaire data. Table 3 summarises the FCM processes in each of the four mapping stages. Of 23 FCM publications from the group since 2017 (see Additional File 1), four describe methodological contributions [4,5,6, 35], and the rest describe the use of FCM in specific contexts.

Table 1 Characteristics of the discussed experiences in the application of FCMTable 2 Summary of the FCM processes and use of the maps for stakeholder maps, literature maps and maps from questionnaire dataTable 3 Summary of processes used in the four stages of FCM in the reported casesStage 1. Who defined the issue and how

Focus group discussions or conversations with partners were the most common methods for defining the issue to be mapped. Cases #6 (pregnant and parenting adolescents) and #20 (women’s satisfaction with HIV care) used literature maps to identify priorities with participants in Canada, while cases #5 (immigrant’s unmet postpartum care needs) and #7 (child protection involvement) contextualised literature-based maps with stakeholder knowledge. In cases #15 and #16 on violence against women and suicide among men in Botswana, community members involved in another project raised these issues as concerns. Two cases used FCM in the secondary analysis of survey data to answer questions defined by the research teams (#1 Mexico dengue) and academic groups (#2 Colombia medical education).

All cases used a participatory research framework [46]. FCM worked both in well-established partnerships (#8 and #9 involved researchers and Indigenous communities in Mexico, and #20 well-established partnerships with women living with HIV) and in the early stages of trust building (#6 adolescent parents in Canada).


Almost all cases reported two levels of ethical review: institutional boards linked with universities and local entities (health ministries and authorities, advisory boards, community organisations or leaders). Most review boards were unfamiliar with FCM, and some requested additional descriptions and protocols to help them understand the method. In Guatemala (#17) and Nunavik (#18), Indigenous authorities and a steering committee requested a mapping session themselves before approving the project. Most projects used oral consent, mainly due to the involvement of participants with a wide range of literacy levels and in contexts of mistrust about potential misuse of signed documents (Indigenous groups in #8) or during virtual mapping sessions (women living with HIV in #20).

Strengths-based or problem-focused

Most cases followed a strengths-based approach, focusing on what influences a positive outcome (for example, what causes good maternal health instead of what causes maternal morbidity or mortality). Some cases created two maps: one about causes of a positive outcome and one about causes of the corresponding negative outcome (#8 causes and risks for safe birth in Indigenous communities, and #10 causes and protectors of short birth interval). Building two maps helped to unearth additional actionable concepts but was time-consuming and tiring for the stakeholders creating the maps.

Broad concepts or tight questions

A recurring issue was how broad the question or focus should be. A broad question about ‘what influences wellbeing’ fitted well with the holistic perspectives of Mayan communities but posed challenges for drawing, analysing, and communicating maps with many concepts and interactions (#17, Guatemala). A very narrowly defined outcome, on the other hand, might miss potentially actionable causes.

Stage 2. Drawing maps

In the group’s experience, most people readily understand how to make maps, given their basic structure (cause, arrow and consequence). Based on their collective experience, the research group developed a protocol to increase replicability and data quality in FCM, particularly for stakeholder maps, which often involve multiple facilitators and different languages. Creating maps from literature reviews and questionnaire data did not have some of the complications of creating maps with stakeholders but also benefitted from detailed protocols.

Stakeholder maps

The mapping cases reviewed here included mappers ranging from highly trained university researchers (#9 on safe birth) to people without education and speaking only their local language (#8 in Mexico, #10 and #21 in Nigeria, #11 and #12 in Uganda). Meeting participants discussed the advantages and disadvantages of group and individual maps. Groups stimulate the emergence of ideas but include the challenge of ensuring all participants are heard. Careful training of facilitators and managing the mapping sessions as nominal groups helped to increase the participation of quieter people. Groups of not more than five mappers were much easier to facilitate without losing the creative turbulence of a group. Most cases relied on small homogeneous groups, run separately by age and gender, to avoid power imbalances among the map authors. Individual sessions worked well for sensitive topics. They accommodated schedules of busy participants and worked for mappers not linked to a specific community.

Basic equipment for mapping is inexpensive and almost universally available. Most researchers in our group used either sticky notes on a large sheet of paper or magnetic tiles on a metal whiteboard (Fig. 2). Some researchers had worked directly with free software to draw the electronic maps (www.mentalmodeler.com or www.yworks.com/products/yed), while others digitised the physical maps, often from a photograph. Three cases conducted FCM over the internet or telephone, with individual mappers (#9, #20 and #25) constructing their maps online in real-time.

Fig. 2figure 2

Fuzzy cognitive maps from group sessions in Uganda and Nigeria. (a) A group of women in Uganda discusses what contributes to increasing institutional childbirths in rural communities. They used sticky notes and markers on white paper to draw the maps. (b) A group of men in Northern Nigeria uses a whiteboard and magnetic tiles to draw a map on causes of short birth intervals

Group mapping sessions typically had a facilitator and a reporter to take notes on the discussions. Reporters are crucial in recording explanations about the meaning of concepts and links. Experienced researchers stressed that careful training of facilitators and reporters, including several rounds of field practice, is essential to ensure quality. We developed materials to support training and quality control of mapping sessions (#21 Nigeria), available at www.ciet.org/fcm. In Nigeria (#21), the research team successfully field-tested the use of Zoom technology via mobile handsets with internet connection by the cellular network to allow virtual participation of international researchers in FCM sessions in the classroom and communities.

Many mappers in community groups had limited or no schooling and only verbal use of their local language. It worked well in these cases for the facilitators to write the concepts on the labels in English or Spanish, while the discussion was in the local language. Facilitators frequently reminded the groups about the labels of the concepts in the local language. In case #16 in Botswana, more literate groups wrote the concepts in Setswana, and the facilitators later translated them into English. Most researchers found that the FCM graphical format helped to overcome language barriers, and it seems to have worked equally well with literate and illiterate groups. Additional file 2 lists common pitfalls and potential solutions during group mapping sessions.

Identifying causes of the issue

Some mapping sessions started by asking participants what the central issue of the map meant to them. This was useful for comparing participant views about the main topic (#8 and #9 maternal health in Indigenous communities and #20 satisfaction with HIV care) and in understanding local concepts of broad topics (#17 Indigenous wellbeing). In Nigeria (#21), group discussions defined elements of adolescent sexual and reproductive health before undertaking FCM, and facilitators shared the list of elements with participants in mapping sessions. In Nunavik (#13 Canada, Inuit women on HPV self-sampling), participating women received an initial presentation to create a common understanding to discuss HPV self-sampling, an unfamiliar technique in Inuit communities.

Some cases created stakeholder maps from scratch, asking participants what they thought would cause the main outcome (#8 to 10, 14 to 19, 21, and 23 to 25). Other cases reviewed the literature first and presented the findings to participants (#5, 7 and 20). In these cases, the facilitators reminded participants that literature maps might not represent their experiences. They encouraged them to add, remove and reorganise concepts, relationships, and weights until they felt the map represented their knowledge.

Once participants had identified concepts (nodes), facilitators had to carefully consider the wording of the labels to represent the meaning of each node and identify potential duplicates. They confirmed duplications with participants and removed repeated nodes. In case #19, participating girls first had one-on-one conversations to discuss and prioritise what they thought contributed to a balanced diet. In a second activity, the actual mapping session, participants organised those concepts into categories and voted on their priorities for action. The Nigerian cases, with large numbers of maps, included creation of an iterative list of labels, with new concepts added after each mapping session to ensure the use of standard labels in future sessions when the mappers confirmed that the standard label wording indicated what they wanted to convey. This step is helpful in the combination of maps that we describe in stage 3.

Drawing arrows

Some maps showed mainly direct influences on the central issue, while others identified multiple relationships between concepts in the map. When the central issue was too broad, participants found it hard to assign relationships between concepts (#17). Facilitators frequently asked participants to clarify the meaning of proposed causal pathways or how they perceived one factor would lead to another and to the main outcome (see Additional file 2). To ensure arrows were appropriately labelled as positive or negative, some facilitators used standardised if-then questions to draw the relationships. For example, if factor A increases, does factor B increase or decrease? (#9).


All the presented cases used a scale from one to five to indicate the weights of links. Many Indigenous participants insisted that all the concepts were equally important (#8, 13 and 18). Careful training of facilitators encouraged participant weighing (#10, 15 and 16). It was often helpful to identify the two relationships with extreme upper and lower weights and use those as a reference to weight the rest of the relationships.

Verifying the maps

Stakeholder sessions ended with a verification of the final map. This initial member checking preceded any additional analysis. Participants readily accepted the technique and reported satisfaction that they could see concrete representations of their knowledge by the end of the FCM sessions (#13). It reaffirmed what they knew and what they could contribute in a meaningful way. In Ghana (#19 adolescent nutrition), young participants described mapping sessions as empowering when interviewed six months later [42].

Synthesis of literature reviews

FCM can portray qualitative and quantitative evidence from the literature in the same terms as stakeholder experience and beliefs and is a cornerstone of an innovative and systematic approach called the Weight of Evidence. In this approach, stakeholders interpret, expand on, and prioritise evidence from literature reviews (#5 unmet postpartum care needs [5, 34], #3 maternal health in communities with traditional midwives [40], #4 medical evacuation of Indigenous pregnant women [47], #7 child protection investigations among adolescent parents, and #22 community participation in health research) [41].

Case #5 (Weight of Evidence) demonstrated how to convert quantitative effect estimates (e.g., odds ratio, relative risk) into a shared format to facilitate comparison between findings [5]. When multiple effect estimates described the same relationship, appropriate techniques [7, 48, 49] allowed for calculating pooled estimates. In #5, qualitative concepts represented ‘unattached’ nodes when the studies suggested they contributed to the outcome of interest. The researchers updated the literature maps with stakeholder views using a Bayesian hierarchical random-effects model with non-informative priors [50].

In scoping reviews with a broader topic and more heterogeneity of sources (#3, #22) [40], the map reported the relationships and their supporting data, such as quotes for qualitative studies and odds ratios for quantitative ones, instead of unifying the results in a single scale. Each relationship was counted as 1 (present) with positive or negative signs. Data extraction used a predefined format in which at least two independent researchers registered the relationships after reading the full texts. Each included study contributed to the model in the same way it would contribute to an overall discourse about the topic.

Maps from questionnaire data

Researchers used questionnaire data to generate maps of a behavioural change model in dengue prevention in Mexico [43] and cultural safety among medical trainees in Colombia [44, 45]. The dengue project produced separate maps for men and women, while the Colombian map included all participants. Each map had seven nodes, one for each domain of change in the CASCADA model of behavioural change (Fig. 3): Conscious knowledge, Attitudes, positive deviation from Subjective norms, intentions to Change behaviour, Agency, Discussion of possible action and Action or change of practice [51]The surveys included questions for each intermediate result, and the repeat survey during the impact assessment provided a counterfactual comparison. For example, in Mexico (#1), Conscious knowledge (first C) was the ability to identify a physical sample of a mosquito larva during the interview, and Action (last A) focused on participation in collective activities in the neighbourhood to control mosquito breeding sites. The maps in Colombia (#2) explored the CASCADA network of partial results towards the students’ self-reported intention to change their patient-related behaviour.

Fig. 3figure 3

Maps from questionnaire data from the study on dengue control in Guerrero, Mexico. Green arrows are positive influences, and red arrows correspond to negative influences. The control group showed a negative influence in the results chain with a cumulative net influence of 0.88; the intervention group showed no such block and a cumulative net influence of 1.92. Reproduced without changes with permission from the authors of [43]

The arrows linking the nodes received a weight (w) equivalent to the odds ratio (OR) between the outcomes, transformed to a symmetrical range (-1 to 1) using the formula proposed by Šajna:

$$w =1-\left(\frac\right)$$

Stage 3. Tools and methods to analyse the mapsComparing levels of influence

Initial analysis of maps includes a pattern correspondence table that lists and contrasts direct and indirect influences reported from different sources. Free software allows for digitising maps and converting them into lists of relationships or matrices for more complex analyses. In our analysis approach, we first calculate the transitive closure (TC) of each map. This mathematical model provides the total influence of one concept on all others after considering all the possible paths linking them [7]. Two models are available [52]: fuzzy TC, recommended for maps with ad hoc concepts, and probabilistic TC, often used for maps with predetermined concepts. With the transitive closure of a map, it is possible to build a pattern correspondence table comparing influences according to different knowledge sources. Table 4 shows an example.

Table 4 Example pattern correspondence table contrasting the three strongest influences on adequate childbirth spacing by stakeholder groups in Uganda

Additional tools for analysing the maps include centrality scores from social network analysis. These measures compare the sum of the absolute values of the weights of incoming or outgoing edges to identify the total importance of a node [53]. Higher levels of out-degree centrality indicate more influence on other concepts, and higher values of in-degree centrality suggest that the concepts are important outcomes in the map [16].

Operator-independent weighting

In response to the challenges of participant weighting in some contexts, we applied Harris’ discourse analysis to calculate overall weights across multiple maps based on the frequency of each relationship across the whole discourse (e.g., multiple maps from stakeholders or studies in literature reviews). Harris intended to have an operator-independent alternative to identify the role of morphemes (part of a word, a word or several words with an irreducible meaning) in a discourse, exclusively from their occurrence in the text [54]. Because it used frequency, among other criteria (partial order, redundancies and dependencies), it did not depend on the researcher’s assumptions of meaning. Similarly, we intended to understand the causal meaning of relationships identified through FCM with an operator-independent procedure. A concept that caused an outcome across multiple maps would have a stronger causal role than a concept that caused the same outcome only in one or two maps. We found that analysis of maps using discourse analysis and participant weighting produced similar results [35].

Combining maps

In many cases, the analysis included bringing the transitive closure maps together as an average representation of stakeholder groups. Combining maps often required reconciling differences in labels across maps. This was also an opportunity to generate categories to describe groups of related factors. Some cases involved stakeholders in this process, while others applied systematic researcher-led procedures followed by member checking exercises to confirm categories. Combining maps used weighted or unweighted averages of each relationship’s weight across maps. It also used stakeholder-assigned Bayesian priors to update corresponding relationships identified in the literature [5].

Reduction of maps

Stakeholder and literature maps usually have many factors and relationships, making their analysis complex and hindering communication of results. We created reduced maps following a qualitative synthesis of nodes and a mathematical procedure to calculate category level weights [35]. Some maps in Canada have engaged participants in defining the categories as they progress with the mapping session (#7). However, creating categories within individual mapping sessions can lead to difficulties with comparability between groups when the categorisation varies between them.

Sensemaking of relationships

Weighting by stakeholders helps prioritise direct and indirect influences that contribute to an outcome. Stakeholder narratives and weights helped to develop explanations of how different factors contribute to the outcomes. In cases #5 and #7, an additional literature search based on factors identified by stakeholders contributed to creating explanatory accounts. The reporting of women’s satisfaction with HIV care (#20) used quotes recorded in the mapping sessions to explain the narratives of the most meaningful relationships. The analysis of maps on violence against women in Botswana (#15) identified important intermediate factors commonly depicted along the pathways from other factors to the main outcome.

Stage 4. How maps were used

Researchers described how they edited and simplified complex maps to make them more accessible, including to people with limited literacy, in Mexico, Nigeria, and Uganda (#8 and 10 to 12). In addition to creating category maps, they used colour coding, labels in the local language for the most influential factors, arrows of different thicknesses according to their weight, and different sizes of boxes for concepts according to their importance based on centrality scores. When sharing results, they often contrasted maps from different stakeholders. In Canada (#5 and #7), researchers developed explanatory frameworks from the mapping exercises, and stakeholders refined this framework and identified priority areas for action. In Canada (#5 and #7), Botswana (#14) and Uganda (#11 and #12), stakeholders viewed and discussed the summary maps from other groups. The maps, further discussed by stakeholders, helped inform the design of media-based communication interventions in Ghana (#19) and Nigeria (#10).

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