Motivation of employees of a financial organization: correlation between engagement and job satisfaction (in Russian)

Vladislav Fedorinov1, Natalia Antonova2 1 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
2 National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation The research problem is determined by the need to identify the characteristics of employee motivation and increase their involvement during the period of organizational change. Purpose. The goal of study is to identify the connection between engagement and job satisfaction among employees with different motivational complexes and different socio-demographic characteristics (age, position in the organization). Study design. Research hypothesis: employees with different motivational complexes manifest the relationship between engagement and job satisfaction differently. Sample: 249 employees of a Russian financial organization. Research method: survey, included questionnaire: “Motivation for Professional Activity” by K. Zamfir modified by A. A. Rean; “Utrecht Work Engagement Scale” (UWES-17) by W. Schaufeli and A. Bakker adapted by D. Kutuzova; inventory “Job Satisfaction” by V. A. Rozanova.The questionnaire also contained questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of therespondents (gender, age, work experience, position in the organization). Findings. The predominanceof internal motivation among employees of this organization was revealed. At the same time, four groups of employees were identified that have the characteristics of a combination of complexes of motivation, engagement, and job satisfaction. Young ordinary employees have a significantly higherlevel of external positive motivation, and managers have a significant decrease in the severity of external negative motivation compared to other groups of employees. The connection between job satisfactionand engagement is most pronounced among young ordinary employees, while among young managerssuch a connection was not found at all, and among adult managers there is a pronounced connection between engagement and satisfaction with self-realization at work. Implications for practice. The article also describes the results of modifying the job satisfaction scale. The results can be used in organizational consulting on the problems of employee motivation and engagement during periods of organizational change.

Citation: Fedorinov V., Antonova N. (2024) Trudovaya motivatsiya sotrudnikov finansovoy organizatsii: svyaz' s uvlechennost'yu i udovletvorennost'yu rabotoy [Motivation of employees of a financial organization: correlation between engagement and job satisfaction]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 173-195 (in Russian)

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