Association between transfusion volume and survival outcome following trauma: Insight into the limit of transfusion from an analysis of nationwide trauma registry in Japan

From the Tertiary Emergency Medical Center (K. Shibahashi, M.H., K. Sugiyama), Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital, Tokyo; Advanced Medical Emergency Department and Critical Care Center (M.A.), Japan Red Cross Maebashi Hospital, Maebashi, Japan.

Submitted: August 13, 2023, Revised: October 25, 2023, Accepted: October 27, 2023, Published online: November 13, 2023.

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Address for correspondence: Keita Shibahashi, MD, MPH, PhD, Tertiary Emergency Medical Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital, 4-23-15, Kotobashi, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 1308575, Japan; email: [email protected].

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