Identification of m6A-related lncRNAs LINC02471 and DOCK9-DT as potential biomarkers for thyroid cancer

One of the most prevalent malignant endocrine system tumors is THCA [1], [2]. While most THCA have a reasonably fair prognosis, a small percentage will progress to an aggressive or advanced refractory illness with a less favorable prognosis [3]. Targeted therapy is a relatively new treatment for THCA today, and therapeutic options for the condition still need to be investigated [4], [5], [6], [7].

Novel non-coding RNAs longer than 200 nucleotides are known as lncRNAs, and they are typically transcribed across the human genome [8], [9]. One of the most prevalent modifications in the majority of eukaryotic mRNAs and lncRNAs is N6-methyladenosine (m6A), which was identified in the 1970s [10], [11]. Numerous enzymes and proteins, such as the m6A methyltransferase complex (writer complex), the m6A dismantling enzyme (eraser), the m6A recognition protein (reader), etc., are involved in the unique process of this modification [12], [13]. Numerous critical functions of m6A alteration in the development of tumors include regulation of translation, RNA degradation, signaling pathways, drug resistance, and transcriptional control [14], [15], [16].

It has been established that lncRNAs are crucial for biological processes such translation, stability, splicing, epigenetic changes, and mRNA transcription [17]. Recent research has shown that lncRNAs have a role in the initiation, progression, and outcome of several illnesses, such as cancer, neuropsychiatric disorders, immunological molecular systems, and genetic programs related to the heart [18], [19]. Tumor development depends on the regulation of m6A modification by lncRNAs or the regulation of lncRNAs by m6A modification [20], [21]. However, the interaction between m6A modifications and lncRNAs in THCA is largely unknown.

Thus, using bioinformatics analysis, we first discovered mrlncRNAs linked to THCA prognosis in our study. created a predictive model for lncRNAs associated to m6A and investigated the relationship between immune cell infiltration and risk score. In order to investigate their possible roles in THCA, we separately analyzed the constitutive models lncRNA LINC02471 and DOCK9-DT and confirmed their expression in THCA and normal tissues. The current work raises the possibility that the m6A-associated lncRNAs DOCK9-DT and LINC02471 might be used as treatment targets and biomarkers in THCA.

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