Prevalence and Risk Factor for Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli Colonization at Birth in Premature Infants: A Prospective Cohort Study: ERRATUM

For the article “Prevalence and Risk Factor for Antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli Colonization at Birth in Premature Infants: A Prospective Cohort Study”1 that appeared on pages 546-552 of volume 39, number 6, June 2020 issue of The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, the authors have noted some errors in the figures and tables. They apologize for the errors and would like to correct them.

The corrections are as follows.

In Table 4, “fruA” should be “fyuA.” In Supplemental Digital Content 4, the second “Pool 2” should be ‘Pool 3’. These are simple typographical errors and do not affect the results of the paper.

In Supplemental Digital Content 2, the numbers should be corrected to the following:

“afa 750” to “afa 794”

“sfa/foc 410” to “sfa/foc 408”

“PAI 930” to “PAI 922”

“iroN 665” to “iroN 668”

“traT 290” to “traT 288”

“fyuA 880” to “fyuA 785”

and “cvaC 680” to “cvaC 677.”

There was also a typographical error in the preparation of the table. To generate the positive control, the primer sequence was obtained from GenBank, a genetic database, based on the primer sequence cited in literature. However, they inserted some bases because the data were based on a strain that was different from what was used by the authors in the cited literature. As a result, the lengths of the synthetic genes used in this study differed slightly from those in the literature. However, this does not affect the results described in the paper, as the corrected sequences of the controls were used.

The authors deeply apologize for any confusion caused by their errors.

1. Koizumi A, Maruyama K, Ohki Y, et al. Prevalence and risk factor for antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli colonization at birth in premature infants: a prospective cohort study. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2020;39:546–552.

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