MeSH 搜索器

Cytopathogenic Effect, Viral

Visible morphologic changes in cells infected with viruses. It includes shutdown of cellular RNA and protein synthesis, cell fusion, release of lysosomal enzymes, changes in cell membrane permeability, diffuse changes in intracellular structures, presence of viral inclusion bodies, and chromosomal aberrations. It excludes malignant transformation, which is CELL TRANSFORMATION, VIRAL. Viral cytopathogenic effects provide a valuable method for identifying and classifying the infecting viruses.
推出的年份: 1968(1964)
树号: E01.370.225.500.384.235, E05.200.500.384.235, E05.242.384.235, G06.920.190
MeSH 单一 ID: D003588
  • Cytopathic Effect, Viral
  • Cytopathic Effects, Viral
  • Effect, Viral Cytopathic
  • Effects, Viral Cytopathic
  • Viral Cytopathic Effect
  • Viral Cytopathic Effects
  • Viral Cytopathogenic Effect
  • Cytopathogenic Effects, Viral
  • Effect, Viral Cytopathogenic
  • Effects, Viral Cytopathogenic
  • Viral Cytopathogenic Effects

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