MeSH 搜索器

Virus Internalization

The entering of cells by viruses following VIRUS ATTACHMENT. This is achieved by ENDOCYTOSIS, by translocation of the whole virus across the cell membrane, by direct MEMBRANE FUSION of the viral membrane with the CELL MEMBRANE, or by fusion of the membrane of infected cells with the membrane of non-infected cells causing SYNCYTIA to be formed.
推出的年份: 2007
树号: G06.920.881
MeSH 单一 ID: D053586
  • Internalization, Virus
  • Viral Internalization
  • Internalization, Viral
  • Viral Entry
  • Entry, Viral
  • Virus Entry
  • Entry, Virus
  • Virus Membrane Fusion
  • Viral Membrane Fusion
  • Fusion, Viral Membrane
  • Membrane Fusion, Viral

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