MeSH 搜索器

C2 Domains

Protein modules that function in the targeting of proteins to CELL MEMBRANES. They consist of an eight-stranded anti-parallel beta-sandwich composed of a pair of four-stranded beta-sheets. This structural unit forms a pocket on the membrane-interacting face of the protein and co-ordinates the binding of 2 to 3 calcium ions; however, not all C2 domains bind calcium. Examples of C2 domain-containing proteins include PROTEIN KINASE C and PTEN PHOSPHOHYDROLASE.
推出的年份: 2017
树号: G02.111.570.820.709.275.750.125
MeSH 单一 ID: D000070538
  • Domain, C2
  • Domains, C2
  • C2 Domain
  • C2 Tensin-type Domain
  • C2 Tensin type Domain
  • C2 Tensin-type Domains
  • Domain, C2 Tensin-type
  • Domains, C2 Tensin-type
  • Tensin-type Domain, C2
  • Tensin-type Domains, C2
  • Amino Acid Sequence (1990-2016)
  • Protein Binding (1990-2016)

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