Antineoplastic Agents
Substances that inhibit or prevent the proliferation of NEOPLASMS.
树号: D27.505.954.248
MeSH 单一 ID: D000970
- Agents, Antineoplastic
- Antineoplastic Agent
- Agent, Antineoplastic
- Anticancer Agent
- Agent, Anticancer
- Anticancer Agents
- Agents, Anticancer
- Antineoplastic Drugs
- Drugs, Antineoplastic
- Antineoplastic Drug
- Drug, Antineoplastic
- Antineoplastic
- Antitumor Drug
- Drug, Antitumor
- Cancer Chemotherapy Agent
- Agent, Cancer Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy Agent, Cancer
- Antineoplastics
- Antitumor Agents
- Agents, Antitumor
- Antitumor Drugs
- Drugs, Antitumor
- Cancer Chemotherapy Agents
- Agents, Cancer Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapy Agents, Cancer
- Cancer Chemotherapy Drugs
- Chemotherapy Drugs, Cancer
- Drugs, Cancer Chemotherapy
- Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Agents
- Agents, Chemotherapeutic Anticancer
- Chemotherapeutic Anticancer Drug
- Drug, Chemotherapeutic Anticancer
- Cancer Chemotherapy Drug
- Chemotherapy Drug, Cancer
- Drug, Cancer Chemotherapy
- Antitumor Agent
- Agent, Antitumor
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