MeSH 搜索器

May-Thurner Syndrome

A compression of ILIAC VEIN that results in a decreased flow in the vein and in the left LOWER EXTREMITY due to a vascular malformation. It may result in left leg EDEMA, pain, iliofemoral DEEP VENOUS THROMBOSIS and POSTTHROMBOTIC SYNDROME. Compression of the left common ILIAC VEIN by the right common ILIAC ARTERY against the underlying fifth LUMBAR VERTEBRA is the typical underlying malformation.
推出的年份: 2013
树号: C14.240.850.906, C14.907.617.648, C16.131.240.850.890
MeSH 单一 ID: D062108
  • May Thurner Syndrome
  • Syndrome, May-Thurner
  • Iliocaval Compression Syndrome
  • Compression Syndrome, Iliocaval
  • Compression Syndromes, Iliocaval
  • Iliocaval Compression Syndromes
  • Syndrome, Iliocaval Compression
  • Syndromes, Iliocaval Compression
  • Cockett Syndrome
  • Syndrome, Cockett
  • Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome
  • Constriction, Pathologic (1983-2012)
  • Peripheral Vascular Diseases (1995-2012)

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