MeSH 搜索器

Pulmonary Atresia

A congenital heart defect characterized by the narrowing or complete absence of the opening between the RIGHT VENTRICLE and the PULMONARY ARTERY. Lacking a normal PULMONARY VALVE, unoxygenated blood in the right ventricle can not be effectively pumped into the lung for oxygenation. Clinical features include rapid breathing, CYANOSIS, right ventricle atrophy, and abnormal heart sounds (HEART MURMURS).
推出的年份: 1995
树号: C14.240.850.937, C14.280.484.640, C16.131.240.850.906
MeSH 单一 ID: D018633
  • Atresia, Pulmonary
  • Pulmonary Valve Atresia
  • Atresias, Pulmonary
  • Atresias, Pulmonary Valve
  • Pulmonary Atresias
  • Pulmonary Valve Atresias
  • Atresia, Pulmonary Valve
  • Valve Atresia, Pulmonary
  • Valve Atresias, Pulmonary
  • Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities (1966-1994)
  • Pulmonary Valve/abnormalities (1966-1994)

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