MeSH 搜索器

CCN Intercellular Signaling Proteins

A family of secreted proteins found associated with the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX and cell surface receptors. They are believed to play a role in modulating the effects of a variety of GROWTH FACTORS and PROTEASES at the cell membrane extracellular matrix. The CCN protein family is named after three protypical members; CYSTEINE-RICH PROTEIN 61; CONNECTIVE TISSUE GROWTH FACTOR; and NEPHROBLASTOMA OVEREXPRESSED PROTEIN.
推出的年份: 2009
树号: D12.644.276.200, D12.776.467.200, D12.776.860.300.200, D23.529.237
MeSH 单一 ID: D055511
  • Matricellular CCN Proteins
  • CCN Family Proteins
  • CYR61 CTGF NOV Matricellular Proteins

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