MeSH 搜索器

DNA, Cruciform

A cross-shaped DNA structure that can be observed under the electron microscope. It is formed by the incomplete exchange of strands between two double-stranded helices or by complementary INVERTED REPEAT SEQUENCES that refold into hairpin loops on opposite strands across from each other.
推出的年份: 2004
树号: D13.444.308.295, G02.111.570.820.486.325, G05.360.580.325
MeSH 单一 ID: D045566
  • Cruciform DNAs
  • DNAs, Cruciform
  • DNA Cruciforms
  • Cruciform, DNA
  • DNA Cruciform
  • Holliday Junctions
  • Holliday Junction
  • Junction, Holliday
  • Cruciform DNA
  • Holliday Junction DNA
  • DNA, Holliday Junction
  • DNAs, Holliday Junction
  • Holliday Junction DNAs
  • Junction DNAs, Holliday

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