MeSH 搜索器

Neurolinguistic Programming

A set of models of how communication impacts and is impacted by subjective experience. Techniques are generated from these models by sequencing of various aspects of the models in order to change someone's internal representations. Neurolinguistic programming is concerned with the patterns or programming created by the interactions among the brain, language, and the body, that produce both effective and ineffective behavior.
推出的年份: 2000
树号: E05.599.395.642.550, E05.599.695.550, F02.463.425.575, F02.694.550, F02.784.629.529.550, F04.096.586.550, L01.559.598.628.550
MeSH 单一 ID: D020557
  • Programming, Neurolinguistic
  • Neuro-linguistic Programming
  • Programming, Neuro-linguistic

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