MeSH 搜索器

Central Nervous System Fungal Infections

MYCOSES of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges which may result in ENCEPHALITIS; MENINGITIS, FUNGAL; MYELITIS; BRAIN ABSCESS; and EPIDURAL ABSCESS. Certain types of fungi may produce disease in immunologically normal hosts, while others are classified as opportunistic pathogens, causing illness primarily in immunocompromised individuals (e.g., ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME).
推出的年份: 2000
树号: C01.150.703.181, C01.207.198, C10.228.228.198
MeSH 单一 ID: D020314
  • CNS Fungal Infections
  • CNS Fungal Infection
  • Fungal Infection, CNS
  • Fungal Infections, CNS
  • Infection, CNS Fungal
  • Infections, CNS Fungal
  • Central Nervous System Mycoses
  • Infections, Fungal, Central Nervous System
  • Fungal Infections, Central Nervous System
  • Mycoses, Central Nervous System

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