Information Storage and Retrieval
Organized activities related to the storage, location, search, and retrieval of information.
推出的年份: 1991
树号: L01.313.500.750.280, L01.470
MeSH 单一 ID: D016247
- Data Storage
- Storage, Data
- Information Storage
- Information Extraction
- Extraction, Information
- Information Extractions
- Machine-Readable Data Files
- Data File, Machine-Readable
- Data Files, Machine-Readable
- Files, Machine-Readable Data
- Machine Readable Data Files
- Machine-Readable Data File
- Data Sources
- Data Source
- Data Linkage
- Data Files
- Data File
- Data Storage and Retrieval
- Data Retrieval
- Retrieval, Data
- Information Retrieval
- Information Systems (1966-1990)
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