Systems Analysis
The analysis of an activity, procedure, method, technique, or business to determine what must be accomplished and how the necessary operations may best be accomplished.
推出的年份: 1966(1965)
树号: L01.906
MeSH 单一 ID: D013597
Analyses, Systems
Systems Analyses
Systems Oriented Approach
Approach, Systems Oriented
Approachs, Systems Oriented
Systems Oriented Approachs
System Dynamics Analysis
Analyses, System Dynamics
Analysis, System Dynamics
Dynamics Analyses, System
Dynamics Analysis, System
System Dynamics Analyses
Analysis, Systems
Systems Approach
Approach, Systems
Approachs, Systems
Systems Approachs
Systems Thinking
Systems Thinkings
Thinking, Systems
Thinkings, Systems
Systems Medicine
Medicine, Systems
Medicines, Systems
Systems Medicines
Complexity Analysis
Analyses, Complexity
Analysis, Complexity
Complexity Analyses
Agent-Based Modeling
Agent Based Modeling
Agent-Based Modelings
Modeling, Agent-Based
Modelings, Agent-Based
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