Can we nudge to reduce the perioperative low value care? Decision making factors influencing safe practice implementation

Purpose of the review 

Highlight sources of low-value care (LVC) during the perioperative period help understanding the decision making behind its persistence, the barriers for change, and the potential implementation strategies to reduce it.

Recent findings 

The behavioural economics science spread of use through aligned strategies or nudge units offer an opportunity to improve success in the LVC reduction.


LVC, such as unneeded surgeries, or preanaesthesia tests for low-risk surgeries in low-risk patients, is a relevant source of waste and preventable harm, most especially in the perioperative period. Despite the international focus on it, initial efforts to reduce it in the last decade have not clearly shown a sustainable improvement. Understanding the shared decision-making process and the barriers to be expected when tackling LVC is the first step to build the change. Applying a structured strategy based on the behavioural science principles may be the path to increasing high value care in an effective an efficient way. It is time to foster nudge units at different healthcare system levels.

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