Nonalcoholic fatty liver and iron overload can lead to cirrhosis requiring early detection. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging utilizing chemical shift–encoded sequences and multi-Time of Echo single-voxel spectroscopy (SVS) are frequently used for assessment. The purpose of this study was to assess various quality factors of technical acceptability and any deficiencies in technologist performance in these fat/iron MR quantification studies.
MethodsInstitutional review board waived retrospective quality improvement review of 87 fat/iron MR studies performed over a 6-month period was evaluated. Technical acceptability/unacceptability for chemical shift–encoded sequences (q-Dixon and IDEAL-IQ) included data handling errors (missing maps), liver field coverage, fat/water swap, motion, or other artifacts. Similarly, data handling (missing table/spectroscopy), curve-fit, fat- and water-peak separation, and water-peak sharpness were evaluated for SVS technical acceptability.
ResultsData handling errors were found in 11% (10/87) of studies with missing maps or entire sequence (SVS or q-Dixon). Twenty-seven percent (23/86) of the q-Dixon/IDEAL-IQ were technically unacceptable (incomplete liver-field [39%], other artifacts [35%], significant/severe motion [18%], global fat/water swap [4%], and multiple reasons [4%]). Twenty-eight percent (21/75) of SVS sequences were unacceptable (water-peak broadness [67%], poor curve-fit [19%] overlapping fat and water peaks [5%], and multiple reasons [9%]).
ConclusionsA high rate of preventable errors in fat/iron MR quantification studies indicates the need for routine quality control and evaluation of technologist performance and technical deficiencies that may exist within a radiology practice. Potential solutions such as instituting a checklist for technologists during each acquisition procedure and routine auditing may be required.
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