Document Type : Review Paper
Department of Pharmaceutics, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India.
Elastic or deformable liposomes are phospholipid-based vesicular drug delivery systems that help improve the delivery of therapeutic agents through the intact skin membrane due to their deformable characteristics that overcome the problems of conventional liposomes. In the present review, different types of deformable liposomes such as transfersomes, ethosomes, menthosomes, invasomes and transethosome are studied, and their mechanism of action, characterization, preparation methods, and applications in pharmaceutical technology through topical, transdermal, nasal and oral routes for effective drug delivery are compared for their potential transdermal delivery of poorly permeable drugs. Due to the deformable characteristics of these vehicles, it resulted in modulation of increased drug encapsulation efficiency, permeation and penetration of the drug into or through the skin membrane and are found to be more effective than conventional drug delivery systems. So deformable liposomes can, therefore, be considered as a promising way of delivering the drugs transdermally.
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