Front Cover: Protonated Ethylene Carbonate: A Highly Resonance‐Stabilized Cation (ChemistryOpen 12/2021)

The Front Cover shows the crystal structure of the salt of protonated ethylene carbonate [C3H5O3][Sb2F11]. Protonated ethylene carbonate was synthesized by reacting the neutral compound in the superacidic system HF/SbF5 at low temperature. Interestingly, the single-crystal X-ray structure analysis revealed a planar CO3 moiety with nearly equal CO bond lengths. Further theoretical investigations of the cation led to the result, that it contains a remarkably delocalized 6π-electron system. On the cover this resonance stabilization is highlighted by p-orbitals on the CO3 moiety. More information can be found in the Research Article by Stefanie Beck et al. image

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