Correction: The adaptation of bovine embryonic stem cells to the changes of feeder layers

Correction: In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal (2023) 59:85-99

There were three error of figures graphics in the originally published article.

Error 1: The "MC-MEF" in the top left corner of the original Figure 1B, as shown in the figure below, marked by the red circle in the image, does not accurately represent the actual density of MEFs treated with mitomycin C during the experiment, showing a lower density than the real MEF density.

figure a

Figure 1. The alteration of feerder layers leads to the change of the pluripotent state of bESCs.

We are now requesting to correct the figure to the following:

figure b

Figure 1. The alteration of feerder layers leads to the change of the pluripotent state of bESCs.

The corrected and publishable high-resolution TIFF image is attached in email attachment 1, labeled as "Fig.1-Errata".

Errors 2 and 3: The embryoid body images in the lower right corners of the original Figure 7B and C, respectively, marked by the red circles in the images, do not accurately represent the morphology and density characteristics of the embryoid bodies formed by MC-F7-P6 and 1/7MC-F7-P6 during the differentiation experiments.

figure c

Figure 7. Detection of differentiation ability of bESCs.

In fact, the number of embryoid bodies formed by 1/7MC-F7-P6 during the differentiation experiment was significantly reduced compared to MC-F7-P6. We are now requesting to correct the figure to the following image:

figure d

The corrected and publishable high-resolution TIFF image is attached in the email, labeled as "Fig.7-Errata".

These three instances of incorrect figure usage were due to oversights during the image editing process; however, these flaws do not affect the reliability of the conclusion of this study.

The original article has been corrected.

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