ACNP 63rd Annual Meeting: Keyword Index

Key Word Submission Number(s)

(2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine P159, P231, P243, P249

(R,S)-ketamine P149, P202, P215, P245, P249, P255, P600

(R,S)-ketamine infusion therapy P723

22q11 deletion syndrome 27.2

22q11.2 deletion syndrome P587, P825

2-AG P126, P434, P436, 46

5-HT2A and 5-HT2C receptor pharmacology P497, P510

5-HT2A receptor P87, P698, 19.1, P681, 49.2

5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine P684

7q11.23 copy number variation P518

7q11.23 Duplication syndrome P518

Academic / Industry collaboration 13

Acetylcholine P504, P323, P818, P874

Acetyl-L-carnitine LAC P139

Action-outcome associations 20.5

Active Avoidance P32, P484, P488, P659, 41.1, 41.2

activity-dependent regulation P407

Activity-regulated cytoskeletal associated protein (Arc) P751

Acute and Chronic Stress P241, P881, 12.4

Acute Stress P54, P277, P656, P695, P761, P875, P887, P888, P889, 36.2, 46.3, 46.4, 51.4

Acute Traumatic Stress P67, P710, P864

Addiction P347, P399, P190, P374, 1.1, 13.3, 29

Addiction comorbidity P414, P702

Addiction phenotypes P314

Addiction Severity Index 1.2

addiction susceptibility P482

Addiction-like behaviors P404

adenosine triphosphate (ATP) P264

ADHD P91, P135, P177, P554, P636, P637

adjunctive treatment P230, P232

Adolescence P3, P4, P7, P9, P18, P25, P77, P97, P270, P325, P391, P706, P856, P886, P891, P896, P10, P405, 3.4, 39.1, 39.2, 44, 44.2, 54.2

Adolescence- Critical Period P141, 4

Adolescent P280, P334, P442, P450, P551, P611, P902, P273, P353, 3.3, 35.3, P274

adolescent alcohol exposure P410

Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development Study P269, P350, 11.2, P529, 4.5

adolescent cannabis 21, 21.5, P447

Adolescent Depression P218, P903, 33.3

adult hippocampal neurogenesis P244

Adult smoking and alcohol traits P80

advantages of the combination of therapies P811

adverse childhood experiences (ACE) P592

Adverse life experiences P24

Affect Regulation P725, 39

affective behavior 27, 44.4

affective components of pain 15.3

affective disorders P132, P617, 39

affective instability P770

affective neuroscience P184

Aggression P32, P31, P380

aging, disease course P826

Aging; Cognition; Stress; Acetylcholinesterase; Splice Variants P154, P502

Alcohol P107, P181, P288, P303, P321, P340, P365, P388, P389, P396, P399, P555, P756, P273, 29, 34, 42

Alcohol and substance use disorders P80, P157, P307, P319, P349, P370, P552, P663, 1.1, 13

Alcohol consumption P282, P346, P382, P395, P402, P429, P582

Alcohol dependence P275, P647, 34.5

alcohol drinking P303, P596

Alcohol intake P380, 13.4

alcohol self-administration P339

alcohol use disorder P14, P172, P272, P279, P389, P397, P401, P413, P428, P649, P299, 10.4

Alcohol Use Disorder - Treatment P296, P337, P356, P364, P369, P378, P428, P749, 10, 13.2

Alcohol use disorder and drug addiction P323

Alcoholic Liver Disease P282

Alcohol-seeking behavior P339, P377

algorithmic bias and fairness P722

Algorithms to improve clinical outcomes 6

allopregnanolone P164, P750

allosteric modulator P142, P818

alpha 1a, alpha 1b, 5-HT1A, and 5-HT2A receptors P561

Alzheimer's dementia P503

Alzheimer's Disease P98, P465, P498, P504, P510, P511, P43, P154, P262, P496, P509, P29, P512, 32

Amygdala P32, P105, P156, P280, P475, P574, P615, P617, P618, P619, P667, P709, P766, P479, 28.2, 37, 37.2, 37.3, 50.3, 54.3

Anandamide P126, P433, P543, P730

Anesthesia-induced dreaming P94

Anhedonia P451, P25, P238, P698, P703, P740, P762, 39.2, 39.1

Animal Models P150, P380, P439, P507, P514, P762, 17, 17.2, 45.4

animal to human translation 35

Anorexia nervosa P419, P417, P418, P420, P422, P425, P570, P693, 53.3

Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) 20.3, 20.5, 36.5, 50.3, P146

Anterior Hippocampus P464

Anterior insula P27, P289

anterior prefrontal cortex P752

Anti- Amyloid Treatment 32

Antidepressant P34, P95, P208, P214, P243, P254, P634, 48.3, 48.5, P215, P233, 49.3, 6.4, P216

antidepressant mechanisms 45.2

anti-depressant response 49.3

antidepressant therapies 19

antinociception P18, P150

Antipsychotic P153, P434, P793, P796, P805, P441

Antipsychotic drugs P138, P678, P812

Antipsychotic response P835

Antipsychotic Treatment 17.2, 32

Antipsychotic Treatment Practice P652

antipsychotic-induced metabolic dysfunction P579

Antipsychotic-naïve first-episode psychosis P165, P820

Anxiety P47, P48, P50, P51, P54, P55, P57, P58, P59, P60, P106, P107, P383, P437, P576, P598, P718, P22, P144, P776, 28.2, 33, 33.2, 33.3, 33.4, 41, 41.1, 41.3, 49.2, 36

Anxiety & PTSD P439, P713

Anxiety and Depression P97, P186, P234, P242, P594, P683, P691, 38.3, 41.4

Anxiety and stress P53, P335, P483, 5

anxiety-like behaviors P49

Anxiety-related behaviors P891

Anxiety-related circuitry P57, P574

Approach/Avoidance P117, P481, P567

Approach-Avoidance Conflict P754, P735, 36.3, 41.3

artificial intelligence P39, P42, P46, 6.4, 22.1, 22.3

Astrocyte P241, P450, P451

astrocyte-neuron interaction P495

Astrocytes P447, P448, P312, P365, P444, P446, P573, P881, 12.4, 30, 30.2

Attention P162, P177, P530, 37.5

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder P529

attentional bias modification 14.4

Attenuated psychosis syndrome 17

Auditory Brainstem Response P145

Auditory fear conditioning 5.4

Auditory Mismatch Negativity P794, P825, P848, 11.3

Autism P449, P520, P524, P527, P530, P525, 23.4

Autism Spectrum Disorder P29, P190, P514, P517, P868, P78, P513

Autism spectrum disorder and related syndromes P519

autobiographical memory P619, P715

Autoimmune encephalitis P585, P593

Automated natural speech analysis P46, P268, P795, 7.3

automated text analysis 1.2

autonomic nervous system P427, P724, P747

aversion P340, P653, P765, P775

Aversive Learning P391, P484, P659, 50.3

Aversive Motivation P391, P448

Basal Ganglia P374, P656, P813

basolateral amygdala P20, P289, P377, P481, P483

bed nucleus of the stria terminalis P469, P488, P887, P410, 41.1

Behavior P64, P78, P451, P468, P713, P63, 27.1

Behavioral Activation P239

Behavioral characterization P381

behavioral economics P301

behavioral flexibility P771

behavioral genetics P271, P314

Behavioral Pharmacology P421, P635, P673, P688

Behavioral Phenotyping P267

Behavioral Tasks P71, P420

beta-amyloid peptide 1-42 P509

Biased signaling P499, P631

Binge Eating Disorder P421

Bioequivalence and Bioavailybility P687

Biological definition of psychiatric disorders P191

Biology of aging P204, P501, P863

Biomarker P95, P194, P199, P229, P554, P661, P80, P402, P93, 4.5

biomarker development P759

Biomarker Prediction P104, 39.2

Biomarkers P396, P84, P107, P826

biomarkers, neuromarkers P102

biophysical modeling P806

bipolar and unipolar depression 38.2, 39.2

Bipolar Depression P130, P898, P100, P222, P238, P573

Bipolar Disorder (BD) P109, P111, P113, P114, P118, P119, P120, P122, P123, P125, P126, P129, P131, P133, P134, P136, P172, P192, P369, P382, P442, P546, P551, P573, P679, P861, P98, P640, 26, P201, P897

Bipolar Disorder, fMRI P117, P121

Bipolar I Depression P116, P127

Bipolar I disorder P46, P112

Blood Pressure P793, P111

Blood-Brain-Barrier P251, P378, P588, P834, P908, 27, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3

Body dysmorphic disorder P266

Body size estimation P266

BOLD fMRI signal P51, P179, P426, P551, P571

Borderline Personality Disorder P30, P619, P676, P725, 37.2

brain aging P446, P536, P720, 3.4

Brain Based Markers for Depression P247

Brain Circuits P71, P295, P690

Brain development P1, P103, P269, P350, P427, P514, P572, P298, P767, 29.2, 42.4

brain imaging, fMRI 37.4, 43.3

brain insulin action P579

brain microvascular endothelial cells P251, 27

Brain regulation of metabolism P701

Brain transcriptomics P5, P798, 12.2

Brain-Behavior Relationships P560, P581, P879, P799

Ca2+-permeable AMPA- type glutamate receptors P66

Caenorhabditis elegans P467

calcium imaging P221, P254, P377, P446, P468

calcium-permeable AMPA receptors P328

Cannabidiol P519, P528, P535, P643

cannabinoid P325, 40, P392, P642

cannabinoid receptor type 1 P432, P633

Cannabis P383, P780, P352, P367, P431, P452, P525, P621, P642, P847, 21.2, 40, 46.3

cannabis use P24, P124, P381, P457, P621, P4, 21.3, 23.2

cannabis use disorder P304, P728, P363, 21, 21.4, 23.3, 46

Cannabis-Tobacco Co-use 29.2

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) P781

Cardiovascular P796, P905

cardiovascular function P680

cariprazine P56, P127, P629

causal discovery analyses P319

CBT and antidepressants 6.1

Cell adhesion molecule P348, P457

Cell- and Circuit-selectivity P492

Cell-type specific transcription P375, P537, 24.2

central amygdala P18, P482

central nucleus of the amygdala 3.1, 50.2, P62

cerebellum P1, P487, P838, P846

Cerebral Blood Flow P111, P546, P572

cerebrospinal fluid P590, 34.2

Cerebrovascular integrity P508

Cerebrovascular Reactivity P551

c-Fos-expressing ensembles P295

Chemogenetics P321, P62, P394, P480, 36.3, 50.4

child maltreatment 3.3, 37.3

Childhood Adversity P11, P118, P887, 27.4

Childhood trauma P14, P23, P309, P724, P730, P830, 35.3, 35.5

Childhood-onset schizophrenia P828

Children and Adolescents P64, P644, P903

cholinergic function P481

cholinergic interneuron P651, P753, P810

chronic pain P58, P69, P403, P489, P545, P596, P664, P776, 20.3, 15

chronic pain treatment P348, P608

Chronic social and non-social stress P756

Chronic social defeat stress P894

Chronic social stress P27, P207, P246, P398, P752, P883, P893, 27, 51.4

chronic stress P188, P275, P451, 5.2

Chronic unpredictable mild stress P880, P890, P892

Chronic variable stress 10.2

circadian rhythm P128, P134, P267

circadian rhythms P415, P773, P859, P863, P146, 38, 54.2

Circuit Development P453, 18.2

circuit optogenetics P377, P474, 51

Circulating cell-free DNA P258

Circulating cell-free mitochondrial DNA P199

clinical assessment P39, P558, P797

Clinical Development P116

Clinical heterogeneity P118, P792

Clinical high risk state for psychosis P784, P801, 4.4, 11.5, 30, 30.3

Clinical high-risk for psychosis P35, P38, P550, P788, P789, P794, P795, P824, P833, P848, P851, 11.4, 17.4

Clinical high-risk of psychosis 11

Clinical Neurobiology P733

clinical neuroimaging research P60, P406, P540, P830

Clinical outcome assessments P788

Clinical practice P131, P458

clinical prediction 22.3, 39.3

clinical psychopharmacology P693, P912

Clinical trial P160, P163, P170, P173, P411, P594, P621, P649, P692, P726, P239, P230, P232, P248, 5.5, 10.3, 14.5, 33.4

Clinical Trial Methodology P109, P110, 13

Clinical trial, Data quality, Schizophrenia, Within Person Variance P38

clinically-ascertained samples P562

CNS Clinical Trials P210, P851

coactivation pattern analysis P806

Cocaine P375, P62, P290, P343, P353, P407, P408, P411, P650

cocaine addiction 5.3, 24.4

cocaine reinstatement and taking P276

cocaine self-administration P357, P368, P753, P777

cocaine self-administration and reinstatement P284, P366, 5.2

cocaine sex differences P777, P778

Cocaine Use Disorder P482, P309, P332, P358

Cognition P61, P64, P71, P125, P162, P175, P177, P211, P220, P240, P500, P554, P641, P784, P827, P837, P846, P847, P879, P882, P322, P536, P599, 23, 23.3

Cognitive/behavioral flexibility P61, P190, P435, P880, 18, 18.2, 18.4, 48

cognitive behavioral therapy 41.3, 48.3

Cognitive biomarkers P86, P531, P832

cognitive control P220, 48, 10.4, 37.2

cognitive control circuit 48.4

cognitive control network 14.2

Cognitive Enhancement P503

cognitive flexibility P82, P156, P184, P470, P610

Cognitive Functioning P180, P529

Cognitive impairment associated with schizophrenia P832, P837

cognitive inflexibility P189

Cognitive Neuroscience P50, P309, P406

Cognitive performance P23, P502, 21

cognitive-behavioral therapy P534, P574, 14.3

Comparative effectiveness P110

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience P186, 43.1, 53.2

computational ethology P69

computational linguistics 7.3

Computational Methods P530, P549, P654

computational modeling P193, P422, 7.5, 11.3, 48.2

Computational Neuroscience P192, P194, P320, P665, 11.4, 11.5

computational phenotyping 7

computational psychiatry P187, P610, 11, 22.2, 47.5

Computational Reinforcement Learning Model P475, 44.3

Computerized Cognitive Training 32

conditioned place preference P278, P287, P409, P472

conditioned taste aversion P70, P289

Connectivity gradients P662, P715

coordinated specialty care P791

copy number variant P825, P532

Correctional Psychiatry P666

Cortical brain structures P125

Cortical microcircuit processing P700

cortical plasticity P817, 45.3

cortical thickness P568, P834, 21.5

Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) P243, P275, P761

Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone P656

cortisol awakening response P540

Cortisol response to stress P11, P888

COVID-19 P140, P236, P507, P214, 25

craving P102, P285, P345, 13

cross-species translation P322

Cue Reactivity P389, P545, 13.5

cue-induced craving P324, P371, P389, P390, P545, P604

cue-induced-reinstatement P394

D1 dopamine receptors P632

D2 dopamine antagonists P153, P812

D2 dopamine receptor P651, P757, P786

D2 medium spiny neuron P627

D-amino acid oxidase inhibitor P501

Decision Making P180, P304, P430, P475, P758, P889, 22.1, 43.3, 44

deep brain stimulation P607, P610, 20, 28.4

Deep Brain Stimulation; Mood; Anxiety; Resting State, Functional MRI 20.4

Deep learning 7.2, 7.5, P40

Default mode network (DMN) P291, P614, P715

defensive and motivated behaviors P709, P890, 50

delay discounting 38, 38.1

delta opioid receptor 15.3, P155

delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol P457, P528

Dementia-related psychosis P510

dentate gyrus P192, P244, P254

Depression P4, P79, P83, P87, P106, P113, P140, P170, P183, P190, P198, P199, P205, P212, P213, P214, P220, P222, P224, P225, P228, P231, P237, P246, P250, P251, P253, P255, P259, P260, P262, P264, P367, P451, P456, P598, P602, P606, P608, P611, P625, P689, P698, P718, P740, P894, P906, P144, P227, P538, P750, 14.3, 3.2, 6, 7, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 15, 22.3, 28.2, 28.5, 33.4, 41.3, 45.1, 45.2, 48.2, 48.3

depression and obesity P424

depression and/or anxiety P458

Depression Inflammation Cytokine 3

Depressive Mood P226, 34.5

depressive symptoms 6.2, 6.3, P140

developmental origins P747

Developmental Psychopathology P6, 39

Developmental trajectory P522

diagnosis, psychopathology, dimensions, P828

dietary interventions P819

Diffusion Imaging P521, 20.2

Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) P8, P578, P589, P612, P821, P508

diffusion tractography P132

diffusion weighted MRI P471

Digital Biomarkers 7.2, 47.2

Digital phenotyping P38, P133, P136, P265, P267, P268, P703, 39

digital psychiatry P39, 47.5

Digital therapeutics 47, 47.4, 47.5

Dimensional child psychopathology P5

dimensional psychopathology P108, P187

discrimination learning P469

disorders of gut-brain interaction P634

Dissociation P725, P731, 37, 37.2, 37.3, 37.5

Dissociative Subtype 37.4

Diversity and Inclusion 52, 16

DNA Methylation P630, P897, P98, 24.2

DNA, whole-genome, sequencing, schizophrenia P460

Dopamine P72, P153, P227, P292, P295, P326, P333, P374, P409, P434, P435, P447, P484, P520, P650, P735, P758, P762, P771, P808, P820, P875, P813, 8.1, 5.2, 33.3

Dopamine (D2, D3) receptors P499, P652

dopamine D3 receptors P629

Dopamine D4 receptor P302

dopamine partial agonist P56, P812

Dopamine, Acetylcholine P651, P769

Dopaminergic neurons P444

Dopaminergic system P741, P759

Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 20.3

Dorsal Hippocampus P152, P470, P472, P741, P778

Dorsal premammillary nucleus 50.4

dorsal raphe P54, P453, P523, P765, 15.3

Dorsal striatum P92, P323, P435, P514, P810, P874

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) P569, P649, P719, P737, P861, P863, P182

Drosphila melanogaster P496

Drug choice paradigm P368

Drug Discovery - new approaches P627

drug discovery/development P252, P632, P674, P672, P640, P672

drug self-administration P381, 29.4

drug-drug interaction P362, P644

Dual Orexin Receptor Antagonists P332, P345

dynamic causal modeling P487

dynamic effective connectivity P658

Dynorphin P333, P404, P491, P494, P763, 15.2

early brain development P48

Early Identification of Risk P6, P121

early intervention services P791

Early life adversity 18, 24.3, 35.2, P21, P16, 27

Early life stress P3, P17, P19, P27, P380, P755, P886, 3, 18.1, P351, P15, P18, P26, P885, 12.4, 24, 31.4

early psychosis P132, P195, P799, P807, P809, 30.4

early-life adversity 3.1, 18.3, 44.4, P25

Eating disorders P194, P266, P417, P420, P570, P693, P423

ecological momentary assessment P9, P181, P715, P770, 39.3, 53.2

EEG P71, P104, P229, P635, P804, P815

EEG biomarkers P42, P79, P87, P90, P103, P136, P682, P94, 6, 11.3, 37.2

EEG electrophysiology 19.4

EEG/ERP electrophysiology P794

Effective Connectivity P242

effort based decision making task P530

electric field modeling P620, P616

electroconvulsive therapy P202, P209, P224, P240, P244, P599, P620, P217

Electroencephalography (EEG) P519, P578, P609, P622, P731, P772, P825, P848, P817, 6.2, 6.3, 11.3

Emotion Circuitry P26, P731

Emotional dysregulation P427, P429, P893

Emotional Eating 53.1, 53.2

Emotional Meta-Awareness P178

emotional reactivity P427

Emotional regulation P73, P82, P385, P426, P428, P431, 53.3

Emotional stress 5.3, 27.3, P149

endocannabinoid P341, P439, 46.3

Endocannabinoid System P566, P114, P438, P712, 5.2, 5.3, 46.4

Endocannabinoids P432, P435, P437, P438, P543, P596, P730, P775, 5, 5.4, 5.5, 46.2

endocrine biomarkers P592

endogenous opioids P765, 8.3, 43.2

Endpoint Reliability 13.2

ENIGMA Working Group P563, P568

enteroendocrine cell P361

environmental contaminants P16, P49

epidemiology P442, P678, P896, P45, 29.5, 52

Epigenetic P886, P22, 18, 18.3, 31.3

Epigenetic Aging P148, P98

Epigenetic biomarkers P299, P885, P910

Epigenetic Modification 24.3

epigenetic regulation P144

Epigenetics P17, P139, P250, P355, P366, P400, P465, P548, 24, 31

episodic memory P181, P618, P462

Esketamine nasal spray P171

estrogen receptor P276, P533

estrogen receptor beta P23

event-related potential 41.4, 41

evidence-base assessment P226

Evoked gamma-band response P831

excitatory/inhibitory balance P831

executive function P188, P189, P307

Expectancy P110, P382, 43.1

experience sampling methodology P856

experimental design P746, 25

Experimental Therapeutics 19.2

exploration-exploitation tradeoff P182, P770

explore-exploit dilemma P185

exposome P64, P515, P852, 25

Exposure therapy 33.2, 36.4

expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) P823

extended-access self-administration P751

externalizing psychopathology P562

Extinction and Reinstatement P778

Extinction learning P414, P717

extracellular matrix P241

Extracellular vesicles P147, 31.4, 49

extrasynaptic glutamate P284

F-18 PET Imaging P505, P522, P733, P820

face emotion processing P804, P909

family history of alcohol use disorder P14

Fast-acting Antidepressant P173, 47.3

Fear conditioning P67, P748, 5, 5.5, 50, 50.2, 50.5

Fear conditioning and extinction P463, P707, P736, 35, 35.3, 54.3

Fear extinction 5.4, 36.4, P718

fear generalization 18, 18.1, P706

Fear learning 36.3, 42, 51.4, P702, P713

Fear regulation P474, P710, 50.3

fear-potentiated startle P603

fecal microbial transplant P595

Feeding behavior 51.5, P485

Fentanyl P28, P278, P318, P336, P393, P763, P379, 51.2

Fentanyl Self-Administration P294, P301

Fentanyl withdrawal P294, P322

Fetal Fentanyl Syndrome P28

fiber photometry P495, P653

first episode psychosis P585, P626, 30

first episode schizophrenia P831

fMRI P281, P296, P297, P354, P405, P408, P427, P569, P604, P714, P732, P736, P748, P779, P804, P847, P879, P906, 14, 21.2, 21.3, 41, 43, 4.2

fMRI Functional Connectivity P176, P613

fMRI, depression, rTMS, prefrontal cortex P256

focused ultrasound P52, P600, P609, P617, P618, 28, 28.2, 28.3, 28.4, 28.5

fragile X syndrome P459, P531

Frontolimbic network P544

functional brain connectivity P405

functional brain network P544

functional connectivity P567, P744, P879, P829

functional constipation P634

Functional MRI (fMRI) P82, P102, P181, P286, P291, P309, P347, P406, P425, P462, P541, P543, P545, P548, P554, P581, P603, P658, P844, 37.3, P843, P813, 37.5, 41.3

functional neuroimaging 35.3, 48.4, 48.5, P789

G protein-coupled receptors P142

GABA P47, P179, P392, P550, P641, P771, P875

GABAA positive allosteric modulators neuroactive steroid P88, P99

GABA-A receptors P89, P101, P213

GABA-A, positive allosteric modulators P641

GABAergic interneurons P477, P700

GABAergic transmission P482

Gamma synchronisation P850

Gamma-band auditory steady-state response (ASSR) P794

Gap inhibition of Acoustic Startle Reflex P145

gene expression P152, P204, P329, P538, P640, P685, P745, P752, P137

gene regulation P237, P355

gene therapy 24.5, 27.2, 49.2

Gene x environment interactions 18.4

generalized anxiety disorder P52, P683, 33.2

Generative Artificial Intelligence P37, P44, P581, P797

Genetic variability P457, 38.2

Genetic variation P308, P897

genetics P201, P785, P786, 38

Genomics P100, P355, P454, P456, P803

GLP-1 receptor agonist P223, P370, P393

glucocorticoid receptor P237, P881

Glucocorticoids P630, P895

glutamate P139, P153, P165, P376, P550, P647, P675, P737, P841, 17.5

Glutamate homeostasis P172

glutamatergic transmission P876

Glutaminase Inhibitors P894

Gut Microbiome P279, P308, P449, P595, 3.2

GWAS P356, P455, P461, 38.1, 38.3

habenula P424, P575, P658, P821

Head twitch response P660

Health Disparities P43, P270

heart rate variability P106, P724

heroin self-administration P312

Hi-C chromatin conformation P518

hierarchical cluster 29.5

High fat diet induced obesity P348

High-density lipoprotein P508

Hippocampal Function P466, P586

hippocampal hyperactivity; 17

hippocampal subfields P536, 18.2

Hippocampal-prefrontal 18.2

Hippocampus P139, P204, P235, P243, P254, P280, P465, P512, P559, P343, 17.4, 18.4

hippocampus subfields P502, 17.5

hippocampus, medial PFC P826

Histone acetylation P152, P218

HIV and Inflammation P590

HIV associated neurocognitive disorder P414

homeostatic plasticity P328

Hostile Interpretation Bias P708

Human Clinical trial P109, P197, P260, P617, P686, P721

human epigenetics/microRNA P910

Human Neuroimaging P37, P71, P119, P195, P385, P424, P502, P542, P547, P552, P563, P570, P661, P717, P835, P423, 4.4, 3.5, 5, 21, 47.3

human post-mortem brain P781, P250

hypothalamus P53, P710, P878, P886, 50.4

Identical by descent P460

Immune Biomarkers P907, P592

Immunity & neurodevelopment by sex P591

immunohistochemistry P327, P331

Immunometabolism P225, P762

Implicit association test P911

impulsive sensation seeking 13.4

impulsivity P86, P136, P372, P636, P651, P912, P338, 13, 13.3, 13.4

in vitro cellular model P509

in vivo calcium imaging P470, P483, P488, P32, P754, 45.3

in vivo electrophysiology P493

In vivo fiber photometry P278, P434, P448, P651, P874, P878

In vivo Imaging P85, 18.1

inclusion and exclusion P116

incubation of cocaine craving P328, P376

incubation of methamphetamine craving P371

incubation of oxycodone craving P315

incubation of sucrose craving P371

individual differences P267, P702

individual variability P752

Individual vulnerability P404

individualized Low Amplitude Seizure Therapy (iLAST) P620

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) P114, P154, P192, P231

Infant fMRI P526, P744, P247

inflammation P16, P23, P140, P148, P330, P351, P401, P705, P740, P762, P807, P824, P834, P857, P908, 27.4

inflammation in schizophrenia P819

Inflammatory Markers P822

Information Encoding 15.2

Inhibitory control P414, P649

insomnia P401, P858, P864, P866

insular cortex P486, P662

insulin resistance P670, P701

Integrated Dual Disorder Treatment P663

Intergenerational Transmission 31

intergenerational transmission of stress 35

Intergenerational transmission of trauma P714, P727, 31.2, 35.4

Intergenerational trauma 35.5

Interleukin 1beta P523, P802

interoception P709, P815, P194, 37.5, 43

Interoceptive Awareness P178

interpeduncular nucleus P47, P395

interpersonal violence P713

inter-rater reliability P96

inter-subject correlation P183

Intracerebral microdialysis P637

intravenous drug self-administration P305, P329, P760

Intravenous self-administration P62

intrinsic excitability P366, P412

intrinsic neural timescale P806

Ion channel activator P623

irritability P538, P575, P611

Irritability/Aggression P29, P524, P708, P906

IV- Ketamine P105, P694, P217, 48.2

jumping to conclusions P783

juvenile critical period 18.2

kappa opioid receptor P478, P491, P645, P655, 15.2

Kappa Opioid Receptor Antagonist P68, P631

kappa opioid receptors P494, P631

Ketamine P69, P110, P159, P199, P222, P243

Kynurenic acid P392, P583

Kynurenine pathway P106, P310, P860, P130, P898

language P188, P797, P577

Large Language Models P44, P795, P801, 7.2, 22, 22.1, 22.2

Laser Capture Microdissection P146

Late Life Depression P258, P599

Latent Factor Analysis P271

Lateral Habenula P349, P365, P393, P445

Lateral hypothalamus P485

lateral orbitofrontal cortex P880

Lateral Septum 42, 42.2, 42.3, 42.4, 42.5

Later-life Depression P261

L-dopa induced dyskinesia P499

learning and memory P490, P76

Learning Health Network P123, P809

Learning Health System 26

limbic brain circuitry 53.3

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