Employees’ mental fatigue: the role of perception of job insecurity
H. Uysal
Öznur Temizkan
Bilecik Şeyh Edebali University, Bilecik, Turkey
Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to examine whether there is a significant relationship between the perception of job insecurity and mental fatigue in employees, and to determine the level and in which perceived job insecurity affects mental fatigue if there is a significant relationship. Study design. Data was obtained from employees in the assembly workshop of a company operating in the private sector by face-to-face survey method. In the study, the purpose among non-probable sampling methods has been used, and data has been received from 104 employees within the same organization.The data required to test the hypotheses suggested within the scope of the research were evaluated using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 24.0 software. Confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, normality test, correlation analysis and regression analysis were applied for the data obtained from the scales used in the study. Findings. As a result of the analysis, a positive and moderately significant relationship was found between job insecurity and mental fatigue. A positive and low-level significant relationship was determined between quantitative job insecurity and qualitative job insecurity with mental fatigue. In addition, according to the formula obtained as a result of regression analysis, a 1.0-unit increase in quantitative job insecurity was found to result in a 1.009-unit increase in mental fatigue and a 1.0-unit increase in qualitative job insecurity resulted in a 0.791-unit increase in mental fatigue.
Uysal H., Temizkan Ö. (2024) Employees’ mental fatigue: the role of perception of job insecurity. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 3, pp. 56-75.
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