Disentangling clinical and biological trajectories of neurodegenerative diseases

Competing interests

N.V. has received grants from Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, Fondation Servier, Union Nationale pour les Intérêts de la Médecine, Fondation Claude Pompidou, Fondation Alzheimer and Fondation pour la Recherche sur l’Alzheimer during the course of this work, and travel grants from the Movement Disorders Society, Merz-Pharma, UCB Pharma, and GE Healthcare. During the past 3 years, V.P. was a local unpaid investigator or subinvestigator for clinical trials funded by NovoNordisk, Biogen, TauRx Pharmaceuticals, Janssen and Alector. He received consultant fees for animal studies from Motac Neuroscience.

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