UNS Strengthens Inclusive Campus Identity with Sign Language Training

UNS – Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta organized a Basic Level Sign Language Training on Monday (24/6/2024). This program is a collaboration between the Disability Study Center (PSD) of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), the Student Executive Board (BEM), and the Indonesian Sign Language Center (Pusbisindo) of Central Java. The opening ceremony took place at the Haris Mudjiman Building of LPPM/LPPMP UNS.

The training consists of five study groups, each with 12 sessions. The first session, held from June to July 2024, involved two study groups: one for educational staff and another for students. Each group comprised 20 participants.

Prof. Dr. E. Muhtar, S.Pd., M.Si., CFrA., the Acting Vice Rector for General Affairs and Human Resources (HR) UNS, officially opened the training program, accompanied by Prof. Dr. Fitria Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Si., Head of LPPM UNS, and Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf, M.Psi., Head of PSD LPPM UNS.

Three speakers presented on the first day of training. Prof. Munawir Yusuf, the first speaker, discussed the theme “Policies of Universitas Sebelas Maret in the Admission and Management of Students with Disabilities.” Arsy Anggrellanggi, M.Pd., a lecturer in Special Education Study Program (PLB) at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS, followed with “Interpreter Competency Levels and Market Needs for Interpreters in Indonesia.” The final speaker, Aprilian Bima Purnanta, S.Sn., Coordinator of Pusbisindo Central Java, discussed “Orientation to Pusbisindo.”

Prof. Munawir, also the Program Chief for the Basic Level Sign Language Training at UNS, emphasized the critical role of educational staff and students in promoting campus inclusivity. For UNS staff and security personnel, this training would facilitate communication in providing services and information. For UNS students, it offered the competency to serve as academic companions.

“The hope is that when a deaf student approaches and asks security personnel, they can explain things clearly. Administrative staff also frequently interact with students with disabilities,” Prof. Munawir said.

In her remarks, Prof. Fitria noted that PSD UNS is among the most active study centers. This training demonstrates PSD’s tangible contribution to UNS’s commitment to inclusivity. Other contributions include receiving the Inclusive Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in 2012, releasing the Inclusion Metric, and being named the Best Implementing University in the 2023 Innovative Learning Competition for Students with Disabilities.

“We fully support PSD UNS activities, including this training, which has attracted significant interest,” Prof. Fitria said.

Prof. Muhtar, representing UNS leadership, reaffirmed the university’s commitment to providing the best service to all community members at UNS. Serving excellently is a cornerstone of UNS’s work culture. The more members of the academic community who can use sign language, the better UNS can offer equitable services to all parties.

“We must have a strong foundation for serving to the best of our abilities. This is why the training involves staff members. We also hope students can assist their peers,” he said.

Collaboration with BEM UNS

The Basic Level Sign Language Training also involves UNS students. BEM UNS, through the Ministry of Advocacy and Student Welfare (Adkesma), has collaborated with PSD LPPM UNS for the first time on this project. Fathiya Noor Jannah, Minister of Adkesma BEM UNS 2024, explained that the ongoing training reflects the students’ commitment to enhancing UNS’s inclusivity as an inclusive campus.

Atikah Salsabila, the responsible person for Adkesma BEM UNS 2024, stated that the training is part of an effort to create an inclusive space at UNS. This space is a BEM UNS initiative for students with disabilities and affirmative action students. The collaboration aims to eliminate disparities and increase social inclusion for various community groups within the campus.

“The goal is for students and staff who participate in this training to support students with disabilities in expanding their knowledge. Participants can also improve communication and foster social awareness in their surroundings,” Atikah Salsabila said.

Humas UNS

Reporter: R. P. Adji

Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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