FISIP UNS Launches Integrity Zone to Enhance Public Service

UNS – The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta launched its Integrity Zone (ZI) on Tuesday (25/6/2024), at the M Sartono Building Auditorium, 2nd Floor, FISIP UNS. This initiative demonstrates FISIP UNS‘s commitment to strengthening public service within UNS.

The Integrity Zone is part of the bureaucratic reform acceleration program initiated by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) of the Republic of Indonesia. This program encourages work units to become Corruption-Free Zones (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Zones (WBBM). The launching event was attended by the entire faculty, including the Dean, Vice Deans, Heads of Study Programs, Lecturers, Educational Staff, and representatives of Student Organizations (Ormawa) within FISIP UNS. This launch is part of UNS’s bureaucratic reform acceleration, aiming to establish an effective, efficient, and professional work system in line with good governance principles.

The event began with a report from the organizing committee chair, Dr. Ahmad Zuber, S.Sos., D.E.A., marking the launch of FISIP UNS as an Integrity Zone.

In her remarks, Prof. Dr. Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, M.Si., Dean of FISIP UNS, stated that FISIP UNS had formed an Integrity Zone Implementation Team through UNS Rector’s Decree Number 1892 of 2023, dated December 19, 2023. The team has submitted an Evaluation Work Sheet (LKE) for the first semester of 2024, covering six components: change management, organizational arrangement, human resource management system arrangement, accountability strengthening, supervision strengthening, and public service quality improvement.

“Through these six main components, we continuously strive to improve and enhance quality to achieve a clean and serving FISIP in line with FISIP UNS‘s vision of Leading the Future Society,” Prof. Ismi explained.

The event was also attended by the Acting Rector of UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H. In her remarks, she noted that several faculties at UNS have already launched Integrity Zones. “FISIP UNS is the fifth faculty to inaugurate an Integrity Zone at UNS. The WBK and WBBM Integrity Zones are for bureaucratic reform, as it is a planned change that must have a roadmap, one of which supports the SDGs. This must be realized concretely after the launch,” Dr. Chatarina said.

The Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Ministry of PANRB, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, M.Si., also attended the event. He appreciated FISIP UNS‘s serious preparation for the Integrity Zone. “The Ministry of PANRB encourages FISIP UNS to become a role model in implementing the Integrity Zone within universities,” Prof. Erwan stated.

The second speaker, Retno Tanding Suryandari S.E., M.E., Ph.D., the Chair of the UNS Bureaucratic Reform Team, emphasized that the development of state apparatus is conducted through bureaucratic reform to enhance professionalism and achieve good governance at both central and regional levels, supporting success in other fields of development. She also highlighted that all employees within the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) must implement the bureaucratic reform agenda as per the applicable laws and regulations. The agenda is monitored and evaluated periodically by the Minister and the National Bureaucratic Reform Team, as stipulated in Presidential Regulation Number 131 of 2018.

Furthermore, Retno Tanding stated that while bureaucratic reform applies at the university level, it is implemented through the Integrity Zone at the faculty level. Building an Integrity Zone free from corruption aligns with the directives of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, aiming to realize the vision and mission of bureaucratic reform.

“A professional and resilient bureaucracy is essential in a constantly changing environment. Bureaucratic reform is the first step in organizing an accountable, quality, effective, and efficient system,” Retno Tanding explained.

Therefore, FISIP UNS is committed to establishing the Integrity Zone within its environment to create a corruption-free zone, a collective effort. The event, which lasted until noon, was also attended by various cross-sectoral partners of FISIP UNS from different regencies or cities in the Surakarta Residency.

The highlight of the event was marked by the Declaration of the Integrity Zone, followed by the signing of the Integrity Pact led by the Dean of FISIP UNS, Prof. Dr. Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, M.Si., and all FISIP UNS staff. Through this event, FISIP UNS declared its readiness to serve the public professionally and wholeheartedly.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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