UNS Grants Honorary Professor Title in Corruption Criminal Law and Asset Recovery

UNS – Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta granted the title of Honorary Professor in Corruption Criminal Law and Asset Recovery to the Junior Attorney General for Development, Prof. (HC-UNS) Dr. Bambang Sugeng Rukmono, S.H., M.M., M.H. The conferral was conducted by the Acting Rector of UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H., during the Open Session of the Academic Senate at the G.P.H. Haryo Mataram Auditorium on Friday (28/6/2024).

In the Open Session of the Academic Senate, Prof. (HC-UNS) Bambang presented a scientific oration on the theme “Realizing Central Authority as Part of the Integrated Justice System under the Authority of the Attorney General’s Office for Optimizing Asset Recovery.” The Central Authority is envisioned as part of an Integrated Justice System under the Attorney General’s Office to optimize the confiscation of assets obtained through corruption located abroad. The return of state assets can be viewed from the perspective of utilitarian theory as the objective of the law. If assets obtained through corruption are returned to the state, it will benefit the country by promoting the welfare of its citizens. The complexity of seizing assets obtained through corruption that are located abroad is partly due to ineffective bureaucratic processes, which weaken law enforcement. Some developed countries, such as Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, and the Philippines, have placed the Central Authority as part of their Integrated Justice System under the Attorney General’s Office. This new concept, if implemented, will positively contribute to the development of criminal law in Indonesia.

“The novelty of this idea lies in the institutional reconstruction of the Central Authority for prosecution effectiveness, the reconstruction of the Central Authority in the principles of dominus litis, the principle of opportunity, and the single prosecution system, as well as the effectiveness of asset recovery abroad,” Prof. (HC-UNS) Bambang explained during a press conference in front of the media in Meeting Room 2 of the Dr. Prakosa Building at UNS on Thursday (27/6/2024).

He also highlighted the importance of collaboration between higher education institutions, businesses, and industries to strengthen cooperation and benefit the advancement of knowledge.

Secretary of the UNS Academic Senate, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Jamin, S.H., M.Hum., stated that in addition to his role as Junior Attorney General for Development, Prof. Bambang is also an academic. “He has been teaching at the Faculty of Law at UNS, so we are not merely awarding a title; he is indeed an academic. Therefore, the Faculty of Law at UNS proposed his appointment as a professor. We hope the presence of Prof. (HC-UNS) Bambang will strengthen the teaching team at the Faculty of Law at UNS,” Prof. Jamin said.

The Acting Rector of UNS, Dr. Chatarina Muliana, S.H., S.E., M.H., added that Prof. (HC-UNS) Bambang’s experience as an attorney has qualified him to receive the title of Honorary Professor in Corruption Criminal Law and Asset Recovery. “We hope that the presence of Prof. (HC-UNS) Bambang will support the advancement of the Faculty of Law at UNS,” Dr. Chatarina said.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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