Neurology under the midnight sun: EAN Congress 2024 comes to Helsinki

UK: This year’s congress is particularly exciting for me, not only because of the focus on neuromodulation but also owing to the inclusion of topics close to my heart, such as sleep–wake disorders and the impact of neurological conditions on sleep. I’m looking forward to sessions that bridge the gap between sleep medicine and other neurology subspecialities, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of our work. In addition, I’m eager to see the contributions from the EAN Task Force on Sustainability, an initiative that I lead, which highlights the importance of environmental considerations in our professional activities and the impact of climate change on neurological health.

RK: I am looking forward to celebrating the 10th EAN Congress in Helsinki — a beautiful modern seashore city that is known for its unique combination of urban culture and the calm of nature. The unique population history of Finland with long-term stable regional subpopulations, as well as the excellent population and health registers and the generally favourable attitude towards medical research, are all factors that have contributed to the success of Finnish brain research. Genetic isolation has made it possible to discover genetic factors in both rare and common neurological diseases. In June, Helsinki is at its best with the midnight sun, which is surely worth experiencing at least once in a lifetime.

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