Scale for measuring long-term and short-term motivation (in Russian)

Miroslav Yasin1, Yuliya Bazhdanova 2 1 Moscow International University, 125040, Russia, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospect, 17
2 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, 115054, Moscow, Stremyanny lane, 36. Purpose. The aim of the work is developing and verification оf a psychological measuring instrument — the questionnaire for determination of the short-term and long-term motivation as acomponent of an individual’s motivational style. Long-term motivation is an individual motivational style in which a person is more focused on long-term motivational plans and is able to return to acertain type of activity over long time span. Short-term motivation — the tendency to stick to short motivational programs. Short-term and long-term is manifested in such aspects of human behavior as: striving for a goal for a long time, returning to programs of action for a long time, taking into account the long-term time perspective when planning, and the ability to follow long-term planning programs, orientation to delayed reward. The questionnaire consists of two relatively independent scales: “Long-term motivation”, which includes 12 statements, and “Short-term motivation”, which includes 11 statements. Findings. For the scale of long-term motivation, the normalized chi-square χ²/df = 4.47,the comparative fit index CFI = 0.909, SRMR = 0.067, RMSEA = 0.077. McDonald’s omega is 0.768, Cronbach’s alfa is 0.743. The retest reliability of the scale is obtained in the amount of r = 0.85, with pβ) = 1, in a sample of 48 people. For the scale of short-term motivation, the normalized chi-square χ²/df = 3, the comparative fit index CFI = 0.892, SRMR = 0.045, RMSEA = 0.059. McDonald’s omega is 0.717, Cronbach’s alfa is 0.707. The retest reliability of the scaleis obtained at a rate of r = 0.83, pβ) = 0.99, on a sample of 48 people. Checking gender differences in long-term and short-term motivation is carried out using the T-test, as a result, no statistically significant differences were found. Value of results. The questionary can be used by researchers in the field of organizational psychology to study motivation in the context of a time continuum, as well as in a wider context — within the framework of personality psychology.

Citation: Yasin M., Bazhdanova Y. (2024) Metodika izmereniya dolgosrochnosti i kratkosrochnosti motivatsii [Scale for measuring long-term and short-term motivation]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 96-108 (in Russian)

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