Body image and eating disorders in aesthetic sports: A systematic review of assessment and risk

Over the last years, eating disorders (ED) have been increasing due to the changes in our society in relation to health and sport [1]. ED are not only developed in the general population, but, in a generic way, the sports environment is one of the environments where these disorders appear more frequently [2].

The sports practice, in addition to bringing great health benefits, can have negative aspects such as sports injuries, substance abuse or the appearance of ED [3], [4]. In relation to the nature of the sport, there is a classification of sports in which their athletes have a higher risk of developing ED, specifically, sports by categories, aesthetic sports, gym sports and endurance sports [3], [5]. The “risk sports” are those in which, due to their characteristics, they must constantly control their weight and have an impact on its importance, being therefore the athletes who practice them more vulnerable to suffer ED, highlighting the sports that are considered of aesthetics [6].

Aesthetic sports are characterized by the presence of harmony, a great artistic component in form, rhythm, style, expression, interpretation and symbolism. Technique, execution and skill, stand out for the search for perfection. Sports that best represent these characteristics are figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, synchronized swimming and dance, although artistic gymnastics and other similar sports are also included in this group [7], [8]. Cheerleading has also been included within this group of sports [9], a discipline in which, as in gymnastics, its activities require a low body weight for the performance of somersaults and acrobatic flights, in addition to presenting the inherent characteristics of the aesthetic sports.

These characteristics are included in the artistic value section of the scoring codes. The evaluation is carried out by a jury, in which, although the aesthetics and physical appearance of the athletes is not evaluated as such, it does have an influence, since it can intensify the artistic effect of the staging [10] The norms of this staging refer to certain aspects such as attire and make-up, which are also covered by the codes.

In the scientific literature, studies that have analysed aesthetic sports show that there is an alteration of self-concept due to dissatisfaction with body image [11], and that the development of ED is likely to have a higher risk in this type of sport, with vomit being the most common risk behavior [12] Other studies indicate that the rigorous nature of sports practice, from the point of view of the scoring canons, seems to force insecurity in athletes, leading to a poor relationship with food, putting them at risk of suffering ED [6]. Also, body weight control behaviours may be responsible for significant health problems, and there is a concordance between the degree of physical self-concept and the probability of developing ED [13].

Based on the existing evidence and data, the aim of the study was to conduct a systematic review to analyse the assessment body image perception and risk of developing ED as a consequence of the practice of aesthetic sports. The secondary objectives were to review the aesthetic modalities and samples investigated, the assessment instruments used to measure ED and body image perception, and to analyse the ED risk and body image perception in aesthetic sports.

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