From the ∗Division of Quality Improvement, Joint Commission of Taiwan, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China
†Department of Medical Affairs, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
‡Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China
§School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
∥National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
¶Department of Quality Management, Cathay General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
#School of Medicine, Fu-Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Correspondence: Pa-Chun Wang MD, MSc, MBA, Department of Quality Management, Cathay General Hospital, No. 280, Sec. 4, Jen-Ai Rd., 106 Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China (email: [email protected]).
Yue-Ping Liu is co-first author.
Chung-Liang Shih shares co-correspondence responsibility.
The authors disclose no conflict of interest.
D.M. did the study design, data analysis, and manuscript drafting. S.H.H. did the data interpretation and validation. P.T.C. did the data interpretation and validation. C.H.K. did the data analysis. C.L.S. did the TPRs development, management, and supervision. Y.P.L. did the TPRs development, management, and supervision. P.C.W. did the manuscript finalization and overall project supervision. All authors approved the final version of manuscript.
The study was waived from approval by the institutional review board of National Cheng Kung University Hospital (IRB no: B-EX-112-014).
The data supporting findings of this study are bound by the confidentiality agreement between TPRs institution participants and system manager (J.C.T.) that can only be shared on limited conditions.
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