Surgery positively translates the fruits of your mind

may these lines find their way home to the rescued beauty of your positive atmosphere and enrich your mind and thought for the benefit of a fruitful motivation of modern multidisciplinary disease management (MDM). Opportunities are the fruits of our mind. Share them to care.

Welcome to this issue of European Surgery. Herein authors collect their perceptions regarding fundamental aspects of science and medicine. The papers included deal with general surgery, oncology, pathophysiology and automated statistical representation of collected data and experiences. Would be great if the papers contribute to a better understanding of interdisciplinary and multitasking disease management (MDM).

Thanks, dear reader, for taking your time reading this editorial. May you read it slowly, line by line, word by word. Motivate your own critical stream of consciousness. The text aims to open up alternative opportunities and a slightly different view towards our current state of affairs (globally and individually; related to genesis, diagnosis and therapy; theory and praxis). May it find your attention and pleasure. May it positively shine upon your day.

Silently waves what coins the streams. Slowly appears what forces turn. Deeply hides what surfaces move. Flying figures change. Directions mix. Sorting out light, shadows fuse novel dimensions for mirror—held spacetime creations of mind. Pictures meet nails and speak out in signs to frame the world. Stars swallow the light and deliver oppositional, but not conflicting appearances into the space. As absence reforms, space gives birth to a dime (you). As such forms the stage of our time.

Imagine the thought is not you but anyone else? Instead we are clear to know and to say: the world is me, you, we, I and I. Animal on the run. Who else do you want to be? CT? MRI? MDM? TNM? PUB MED?

Behind and beyond that level reasoning vanishes to work. You will never be allowed to know, what it actually is, that thinks and senses within you (is it a what, a who, a when, a where?). Is it in you or connected to the all of the universe? May remote galaxies exert emotions, thoughts and reasoning in you, using spacetime mediated effects? Entangled we are, embedded within the same energetic field (i.e. thought). You will never be allowed to know who you really are. Instead much is left to be understood (google world, surgical anatomy of man etc.).

Approximations we live. Surgery works by the translation of images into treatable signs. Once upon a time masks have been used to cover and hide. As such we have been allowed to make it closer to the walking vitamins. Then came the scope to enlarge the scale. Dimensions rose and shortened the sight. As such all you see is not what it is, but it tells you as what it appears and teaches you, how to react and treat and sort out the trail (data based medicine, robot surgery).

Surgery works by ordering tunes of temper and sound into bright tiny cleans of mentally driven figures of thought serving the balance of shine for health against snakes, crowds, volumes, cancer and dots, which barefoot and groundless appear and wave out, until the day the drops line up in time and order the space for the stages of wages and fix thy to read: meet yourself and take a break from it all. Biopsy sample yourself. Forceps biceps bites the dust.

As such a disease educates and makes up your mind. It teaches and leads to a chance for all of us. Stage dependency rules biology, health and disease (TNM; CT scan, MRI scan; theatre, opera, quantum showtime).

Verily, all sides have never been seen at once. All components have never been taken apart, at once (except during “repeated” birth and death of consciousness). All shines to be multitude walking, but the very true essence teaches to see: it all is one (you).

Verily, within this “all is one” there beats a perception and swings a song: opening up the “all is one in all” comes into play as the spacetime quanta imagination for any perception to be or not to have been sensed as a particular file in the field.

Verily, the rest reads out in the form of unspoken black holes in the sky, unheard white holes in the ground and never scope those holes, which foster bad vibrations and hate-driven songs for the unhidden system of fake.

Singles rent less space for greater amount of money. Mind the gap. Generations walk in. Tailored therapy positive psychosomatic ancestor reflux rich individuals walk out of your office. Cells order the tune. Together they form, twist and mind. As such reads the score for the poly disciplinary therapy: blue genes for well tailored cancer management. Abbreviations for systems of soul score collections: SSC, ENT, CEA, AFP, p53, T84, CLE, BE, LGD, HGD, CA, EGF, FGF, TNF, so what?

Verily, any gut is a tube. Tubes branch, collect winds and secrete lungs, tongues, thymus, (para)thyroids, livers, adrenals, pancake pancreas, kidneys, gall bladder remedy and so forth. It all is nailed down to the nerves, as nerves they are all. The nerve cell is the blue print for all cells.

These cells are all nerve cells, irrespective what they do and how they look like under the microscope. Even bones are linked to nerves via the fluid metabolism of their protein hormone secretions homing them to the peptide confluent concert of confidence via the blood stream macula of bone marrow harbouring secrets.

Within networks nerve cells transform into life. The liver is a net, the spleen is a net, the lung is a net, the thyroid is a net, the pancreas is a net, the kidney is a net, all is a net. Sehr nett. Attached to the fibrous scaffold are the cells. Basal lamina breast feeds the kids and so forth.

Amazon rivers are rhythmically pumped by the heart throughout the well ordered vascular shade of life. Through all kinds of sponges they swim. All thinks and perceives. Recognise that. You can not beat the feeling. Remember that. It is all connected. Interwoven we are, live and exist. Caught within nets we are sponges to serve.

Spacetime currently orders in the form of new irregular semi- to oligo- aggressive pulsations of polydactyl fingerprints of the ancient timeless mostly hidden powers of extruding will for power and truth. Insecurity rides the minds. Anxiety trembles their legs. Changes appear to demolish the walls of custom made habits and use. There is something around, we do not like at all. We lack to see it, lack to define it. But it makes us feel less positive and secure. These observations harbour the opportunity to be translated into definitely alternative positive approaches.

Qualities may walk out in different directions. Characteristics may model various colours of temper and atmosphere. Then a variation of the fugue may score (BACH):

Metastases of imbalanced hurting emotions wave out with aggression of hate, lymph nodes get positive for greed, envy and hunger for heat. Where the cell resides the primary tumour to that? Or is there no need for a primary tumour? May it be that a specific tune tempered atmosphere manifests within to format the biology of a given system into a particular universal swing of distinctive vibrations. And suddenly all energetic fields involved and affected start to swing and walk and come into our perception in an unisono pulsatile manner to orchestrate our present time. As such we perceive it, getting older, not wiser, think about it and learn about it. Taken together, we are firing ideas (spectra) within and beyond the flying swing of time (harmony).

You face distinctive energies. What you sense, what you feel, what comes and goes around and against you (in the street, in the hospital, in the out patient service, in the public space, even at home: wife, husband, kids, children, friends, neighbours), what many of you sense is: our world seems to have come out of balance, out of tune. Let us remember and positively retune the instrument. Maybe we, who consider the above suggestions, are the ones who have come out of balance. May that be the case?

What approaches you appears to be unfair, superficial, economy and stock market money driven (nothing else it seems; sell phone cells), egoistic, intolerant, disrespectful, web based stupidity overdriven, uneven, unjust, frustrated, lonely, lost, misunderstood, blue tooth tip toed, out of focus and interest. Let us retune the strings of our guitar. Chill minor fair play. A major great day. Happen to care.

Here the qualities of our current state of emotion may walk into the opposite direction and the fugue mirrors to play (BACH):

It seems, that most eyes are closed, but one is open. And this very eye watches out, sees and comes to know: try to coin the moment for a different approach. Get the fruits from an other seed. Allow to be honest, assess the sunny side of the star, allow positivity, allow laughter and dance, allow happiness, allow to take off the mask others have put on your face, allow to live humility, allow to understand that all is borrowed and should not be taken for given. Allow the roots and the ground of the myth of man. Others create the drugs, that make you slow. Escape negative mind set and poisonous reasoning. Sense essence based transitions for the benefit of well read continuity. Invite positive inventions.

Sense the ultimate single drop: it knows it all, lacks any polarity, is unique and all, feels it all and gives it all, loves to mediate and communicate towards all possible directions. It does not prefer any state of affairs. Before arguing it proofs and tests the validity of any given condition. It loves Popper Music. It searches for the big moon behind the stars. It looks out for you. It seems to be you. The moon is the phenomenological eye which has been beaten out of our globe. Since that time it grooves around us and watches us and does not turn away. This is the reason why you are not allowed to see the opposite, dark side of the moon. May the moon cry, laugh, or both? Or is it just reflecting the trendy motions of recollecting spacetime curving? As such history spans out.

Follow this beautiful positive idea that makes up all you treat, manage, talk about, penetrate and present: follow the “all is one in all for all”. As such we are equally the same, as we are all energetic manifestations of space time quanta of atmosphere. Phantasy contributes to a better understanding of the world.

Follow the sign, that contains it all, that you cut, resect, biopsy sample, drain, stent, dictate, lead, guide, prepare, biopsy sample, order and list: the all is one in all for all. What is it? The important answer is: it is the perceptional momental you, the actual tune tempered atmosphere of your emotional power of will, the driving force of our mill. It is made up of will to help others and you. It is made up of hope, dreams and ideas. It collects the colourful spectrum of phantasy (p < 0.001). It wants to get out and walk and sing and dance and be happy (p < 0.001). Let it shine. Be you, at least for this very moment, as you read those lines.

At this point we definitely know: now it is time for a great cup of Italian espresso, Napoli style. Enjoy!!

As absence causes reason we are filling the gap with love. As such we do not have to forget about the pathophysiology of disease: energetic outburst of emotional power of will.

The above consideration harbours a great possibility. Open your mind for the positive shine. Take the light to your ideas of thought. Lift up your minds to open the gates for positive laughter of smile. Multiply happiness. Spread out unity. As such understanding triggers the search for positive act and fact. Together we are strong. Here phantasy comes into play. Read the score and play the tune. Tip toe the rhythm and make up your mind (redemption).

Sun shine driven is life and such goes the tune for positive minds to orchestrate health and joy for those who come to see you and ask: is there help for all of my toys?

Open your eyes for the fantastic beauty of the globe, open your ideas for new approaches towards disease management. Adventures are out there for you. Robot surgery of minimally invasive opportunities. Fantastic magnification of tissues and happiness. Excitement exists to colour your life. Motivation runs to be caught by your mind. Give it a try to be you and stop to copy the stolen stools of faecal ugly tasting pastry of others. Off smell they are! Stop to be misused by any forms of despotism. Stop to be fed by the milk of bad taste. Stop to feed them with poisons of hate and aggression. Sit down and read papers and books. Listen to the beauty of music! Catch your corner stone tone! Live honest. Live humility.

Open your mind to watch out behind the scenes. Never stop to ask: whom does it serve? Whom do I serve? Who’s power do I support? Whom do I help to pressure down alternative ways, ideas and concepts of thought? Whose opportunities are strangulated and caught within the chamber of ignorance? Whom do I give swords to cut and fires to burn? Most of us do that without even knowing, without being enabled to be aware of it. Why is that so? Horses ride the dust. Quantum spacetime knows it all. The one, who has to feel it, is any individual (you, we, she, he, purusha).

Humility warranted. Hope lies within the genes of our emotions. Atmospheres we are, as such we are susceptible to the manipulating emotional power and the hidden will of others.

What can we do against it? Stand firm! Unhide! Ground yourself! Unite! Get together to foster positive science! As such you are strong! Let our sun shine, resist stupidity; know and do not believe. Base your decisions on valid data. Collect and analyse those data. Take your time to do so and then you may feel well embedded. Allow passion. Resist group think. Allow different ideas. Reveal! As such you may maintain the power to successfully treat, manage and heal.

Here the author thanks those who contribute to this issue of European Surgery, namely the authors, the reviewers, the beautiful people of the editorial office, the publisher and the industry. There is (exists) nothing without translation (humility). To gar auto noein estin te kai einai (Parmenides).

Stay tuned and enjoy the fruits of your mind,

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