搜尋結果 "#child"


  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    Uncles, Aunts May Increase Child's Odds for Autism

    A child with an uncle or aunt with autism appears to have a more than doubled risk of being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder themselves, a new U.S. government-funded study reports.

    #Autism #Child #Study #Cause #treatment
  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    All That Social Media Hasn’t Hurt Kids’ Social Skills, Study Finds

    Today’s youngsters are as socially skilled as previous generations, despite concerns about their heavy use of technology, like smartphones and social media, new research shows.

    The researchers compared teacher and parent evaluations of more than 19,000 U.S. children who started kindergarten in 1998 — six years before Facebook appeared — with more than 13,000 who began school in 2010. That’s when the first iPad came on the marke…  更多