搜尋結果 "#Survivor"


  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    Could Survivors’ Blood Help Patients Battling COVID-19? Trials May Tell

    Could blood plasma drawn from people who’ve recovered from COVID-19 help prevent new coronavirus infections or ease symptoms in those already infected?

    #COVID19 #Survivor #BloodHelp #Treatment
  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    Soft robotic exosuit makes stroke survivors walk faster and farther

    In 2017, a multidisciplinary team of mechanical and electrical engineers, apparel designers, and neurorehabilitation experts at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), and Boston University's (BU) College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College showed that an ankle-assisting soft robotic exosuit, tethered to an external ba…  更多