搜尋結果 "#Pharmacy"


  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    The world needs pharmaceuticals from China and India to beat coronavirus

    The biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, known as "big pharma", are American and European. The top five are Pfizer (US), Roche, Novartis (both Swiss), Merck (US) and GlaxoSmithKline (UK). Yet these companies—and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole—rely on global supply chains. And China and India play key roles in the supply of both ingredients and finished drugs.

    #Pharmaceuticals #China #BeatCoronaVirus #Tre…  更多
  • Molit Haidee Taojo
    A pharmacist’s guide to safe and proper medication disposal
    By Melody Sun, clinical pharmacist at CHOC Children’s

    Medications can have harmful consequences if they are not properly handled. The following steps will help you ensure the medication in your home is properly disposed, with minimal chance for discarded medications to cause illness. Consult your local pharmacy, or local garbage and recycling facility with specific questions.

    General guidelines

    Medicine take-back days are the prefer…  更多