MeSH 搜索器

Hypothalamus, Anterior

The front portion of the HYPOTHALAMUS separated into the preoptic region and the supraoptic region. The preoptic region is made up of the periventricular GRAY MATTER of the rostral portion of the THIRD VENTRICLE and contains the preoptic ventricular nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus. The supraoptic region contains the PARAVENTRICULAR HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, the SUPRAOPTIC NUCLEUS, the ANTERIOR HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, and the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS.
推出的年份: 1983(1975)
树号: A08., A08.
MeSH 单一 ID: D007032
  • Anterior Hypothalamus
  • Hypothalamus, Supraoptic
  • Supraoptic Hypothalamus
  • Anterior Hypothalamic Commissure
  • Anterior Hypothalamic Commissures
  • Commissure, Anterior Hypothalamic
  • Commissures, Anterior Hypothalamic
  • Hypothalamic Commissure, Anterior
  • Hypothalamic Commissures, Anterior
  • Anterior Hypothalamic Decussation of Ganser
  • Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus
  • Nucleus, Anteroventral Periventricular
  • Periventricular Nucleus, Anteroventral

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