The symptom of PAIN in the cranial region. It may be an isolated benign occurrence or manifestation of a wide variety of HEADACHE DISORDERS.
推出的年份: 2006(1963)
树号: C23.888.592.612.441
MeSH 单一 ID: D006261
- Headaches
- Head Pain
- Head Pains
- Pain, Head
- Pains, Head
- Cephalodynia
- Cephalodynias
- Cranial Pain
- Cranial Pains
- Pain, Cranial
- Pains, Cranial
- Cephalalgia
- Cephalalgias
- Cephalgia
- Cephalgias
- Generalized Headache
- Generalized Headaches
- Headache, Generalized
- Headaches, Generalized
- Ocular Headache
- Headache, Ocular
- Headaches, Ocular
- Ocular Headaches
- Orthostatic Headache
- Headache, Orthostatic
- Headaches, Orthostatic
- Orthostatic Headaches
- Vertex Headache
- Headache, Vertex
- Headaches, Vertex
- Vertex Headaches
- Retro-Ocular Headache
- Headache, Retro-Ocular
- Headaches, Retro-Ocular
- Retro Ocular Headache
- Retro-Ocular Headaches
- Sharp Headache
- Headache, Sharp
- Headaches, Sharp
- Sharp Headaches
- Throbbing Headache
- Headache, Throbbing
- Headaches, Throbbing
- Throbbing Headaches
- Unilateral Headache
- Headache, Unilateral
- Headaches, Unilateral
- Unilateral Headaches
- Hemicrania
- Bilateral Headache
- Bilateral Headaches
- Headache, Bilateral
- Headaches, Bilateral
- Periorbital Headache
- Headache, Periorbital
- Headaches, Periorbital
- Periorbital Headaches
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