MeSH 搜索器

Dental Caries

Localized destruction of the tooth surface initiated by decalcification of the enamel followed by enzymatic lysis of organic structures and leading to cavity formation. If left unchecked, the cavity may penetrate the enamel and dentin and reach the pulp.
推出的年份: DENTALCARIESCONTROLwasheading1965-66
树号: C07.793.720.210
MeSH 单一 ID: D003731
  • Dental Decay
  • Decay, Dental
  • Carious Lesions
  • Carious Lesion
  • Lesion, Carious
  • Lesions, Carious
  • Caries, Dental
  • Carious Dentin
  • Carious Dentins
  • Dentin, Carious
  • Dentins, Carious
  • Dental White Spot
  • Spot, Dental White
  • Spots, Dental White
  • White Spot, Dental
  • White Spots, Dental
  • Dental White Spots

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