Rib Cage
The bony thoracic enclosure consisting of the vertebral column; the RIBS; the STERNUM; and the COSTAL CARTILAGE.
推出的年份: 2017
树号: A02.835.232.570
MeSH 单一 ID: D000070602
- Rib Cages
- Ribcage
- Ribcages
- Thoracic Cage
- Thoracic Cages
- Costal Margin
- Costal Margins
- Margin, Costal
- Margins, Costal
- Rib Margin
- Margin, Rib
- Margins, Rib
- Rib Margins
- Costal Arch
- Ribs (1963-2016)
- Thorax (1963-2016)
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