MeSH 搜索器

Conjunctivitis, Inclusion

An infection of the eyes characterized by the presence in conjunctival epithelial cells of inclusion bodies indistinguishable from those of trachoma. It is acquired by infants during birth and by adults from swimming pools. The etiological agent is CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS whose natural habitat appears to be the genito-urinary tract. Inclusion conjunctivitis is a less severe disease than trachoma and usually clears up spontaneously.
推出的年份: 1967(1965)
树号: C01., C01.150.252.400.210.125.245, C01.375.354.220.250, C11., C11.294.354.220.250
MeSH 单一 ID: D003235
  • Conjunctivitides, Inclusion
  • Inclusion Conjunctivitides
  • Inclusion Conjunctivitis
  • Blennorrhea, Inclusion
  • Blennorrheas, Inclusion
  • Inclusion Blennorrhea
  • Inclusion Blennorrheas

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